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Mark Hamill stars in 'one of the best trailers of all time' for new Star Wars game

Mark Hamill stars in 'one of the best trailers of all time' for new Star Wars game

Hamill teaches Cameron Monaghan a thing or two about being a Jedi

If there's one person Star Wars fans can trust when it comes to the franchise, it's Mark Hamill. So naturally it caught fans' attention when he popped up in a trailer for the upcoming video game, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Available to play now, the new game is a sequel to 2019's Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and continues the story of Cal Kestis as he's pushed 'further than ever as he fights to protect the galaxy from descending into darkness'.

Kestis is brought to life by actor Cameron Monaghan - an experienced actor but one who, at 29 years old, doesn't have quite as much training as Hamill himself.

Hamill, now 71, has spent years honing his talents as a Jedi Master as he played Luke Skywalker, so he offered Monaghan some tips to make sure the new game could be the best it could be.

In the trailer released this week, Hamill teaches Monaghan to hold his lightsaber a little less like a baseball bat, and exactly how much wrist is needed when it comes to controlling the force.

Hamill has to remind the young star that he's not 'playing baseball'.

The Jedi Knight also learns the proper way to do a Mind Trick and how to deal with a Wampa, though Hamill isn't exactly too impressed to learn that Monaghan gets to handle two light sabers - "well, technically one but [he] can split them".

The training pays off though, as the behind-the-scenes shot transforms into a reveal of Monaghan in action as Kestis in the game.

Before long, the student attempts to become the master as the young Jedi Knight offers some advice of his own as Hamill starts playing the video game.

Hamill is reluctant to take his advice, though, pointing out: "I really don't need you to explain the Force to me."

Fans have high praise for the trailer.

The trailer has racked up thousands of views in less than 24 hours, and fans can't get enough of seeing Hamill offer some behind-the-scenes training.

"Having Mark Hamill on set of anything Jedi related just to be there and give advice and wisdom is something that's going to live in my head forever," one delighted viewer commented, while another wrote: "Seeing Mark training Cal about force techniques is a priceless experience."

Other fans branded the trailer 'hands down the best Star Wars ad in history' and 'one of the most wholesome promos ever', with many begging to see more of the two actors working together.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is available now.

Featured Image Credit: EA

Topics: Star Wars, Gaming, Film and TV, Celebrity