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Hugh Jackman apologizes to vegans for 'old school' approach to playing Wolverine

Hugh Jackman apologizes to vegans for 'old school' approach to playing Wolverine

Hugh Jackman is set to play Wolverine for a 10th time, and he's getting into shape the natural - and hard - way

Hugh Jackman has apologized to vegans and vegetarians for the approach that he takes to getting fit to play Wolverine again. Here's his chum Ryan Reynolds announcing the news alongside Jackman.

Jackman has taken on the role nine times in the past, and he’s set to get into character one more time in the new Deadpool film.

With that in mind, he needs to get beefed up in the sort of way that he has on every other occasion he’s played the mutant superhero.

Whilst he has strenuously denied that he’s ever taken steroids to help him achieve the kind of physique that he needs to play Wolverine, he doesn’t deny that a vegan or a vegetarian wouldn’t particularly like what he has to do.

To be fair, the Liver King turned out to be taking steroids after all and they wouldn’t have been massively keen on his diet either.

In Jackman’s case, he has profusely apologised to those who don’t eat meat, but also to the chickens of the world.

That’s because he’s getting prepared to eat his way through quite a large portion of them.

Wolverine is a tough role to play, and requires Jackman to be in great shape.
20th Century Studios

See, when we said before that he’s getting beefed up to become Wolverine again, it would have been more accurate to say that he’s getting chickened up.

Speaking on ‘Who’s Talking with Chris Wallace’ with host – you’ve guessed it – Chris Wallace, he said: “I just did it the old school way,

“And I tell you, I’ve eaten more chickens — I’m so sorry to all the vegans and vegetarians and to the chickens of the world.

“Literally, the karma is not good for me. If the deity has anything related to chickens, I’m in trouble.”

Doing it the ‘old school way’ as he puts it means not taking any shortcuts and steering well clear of anything that isn’t natural.

On his decision to keep away from steroids and other ways to get into shape quickly, he explained: “I love my job and I love Wolverine,

“I’ve got to be careful what I say here, but I had been told anecdotally what the side effects are of that, and I was like, ‘I don’t love it that much.’”

“I’ve learned you can’t rush it."

Hugh Jackman's face when he spots a chicken.
20th Century Studios

“I’ve learned that it takes time. So, we have six months from when I finish [Broadway’s The Music Man] to when I start filming, and I’m not doing any other work. I’m going to be with my family and train. That’s going to be my job for six months.

“I’m really fit right now.

“There’s one thing that about eight shows a week being on Broadway singing and dancing, is I’m fit.

“So, I’m healthy. I have a good place to start.”

He concluded: “Apologies, chickens. Run a mile.

“Start running now because I’m coming for you.”

Featured Image Credit: Kristina Afanasyeva / Pictorial Press Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Celebrity, Film and TV, Hugh Jackman, Fitness, Food and Drink, Animals