An episode of a reality TV show hosted by Joe Rogan which has made people 'literally SICK' was never broadcast in the States.
The series may've been called Fear Factor but nothing could've quite prepared viewers or even the show's host himself for what unravelled during an episode from 2011.
Fear Factor contestants were put through a procession of gross challenges in the hopes of winning a $50,000 prize and it initially ran between 2001 and 2006 before being cancelled.
It was brought back with original host Joe Rogan in 2011 but the reality show's return was short lived after Fear Factor decided to do an episode titled 'Hee Haw! Hee Haw!' which never aired - but ultimately ended up being shared online anyway.

And the star of the episode? Well, a donkey, its semen and urine too - what could possibly go wrong?
In the episode, there was a task where contestants had to play a game of 'horseshoes' (throwing a horseshoe as close to a pole as possible) and the worse they did the more donkey semen and urine they had to chug.
Markings were set out denoting how much each contestant would have to drink, and even if they got their horseshoe really close to the pole, they'd still have to drink some of the disgusting substances.
The episode was ultimately never broadcast and the revival of Fear Factor was nipped in the bud shortly afterwards, with the show later getting brought back for a third run in 2017 with rapper Ludacris hosting.
Contestants who were put through the sickening challenge explained just how awful it was, with twins Brynne and Claire Odioso calling it 'the hardest 15 minutes of [their] life' in a 2012 interview.
You can watch the clip that got the episode banned here, but you've been warned... it's grim:
They said if you vomited then you had to start your drink again, with one twin revealing that she threw up in her glass and had to drink it back down.
They said it was so awful that even the cameramen were throwing up as they attempted to film the episode.
Speaking about the show on his podcast The Joe Rogan Experience, the ex-Fear Factor host said it was 'so hard to imagine that that was a real show'.

People who've seen the clip, which is available to watch on YouTube, said the challenge was 'not even a fear any more, this is literally SICK' and opined 'no wonder it got cancelled'.
Others said they wouldn't have done it even for a billion dollars and were utterly perplexed that someone actually came up with the idea in the first place, while someone else said 'no one's a winner here'.
On hosting duties, Rogan had called it 'the hardest thing I've ever had to watch'.
Topics: Animals, Entertainment, Film and TV, Joe Rogan