Last Friday, Chris Hemsworth wowed fans with his long-anticipated return as Tyler Rake in Extraction 2.
Netflix viewers were particularly impressed by a 21-minute action sequence that appeared to have been filmed in one take - but all was not as it seemed.
Director Sam Hargrave has shared how they actually pulled off the incredible scene.
Unbeknownst to viewers at home, there are over 49 hidden cuts in Extractions 2’s epic sequence – many of which a hidden with explosions, car crashes and other insane stunts.
Described in the script as the ‘greatest oner in cinema history’, there was a huge amount of pressure on the director.
Hargrave even had to film the end of the scene - which happens on a moving train - first, saying: “It was very challenging because you have to make decisions while knowing that you haven’t really shot the other parts, so you don’t know exactly how it’s gonna go.
"You might want to change your mind, but now you can’t because you’re backed into it.
"If there’s this much blood and bruising on Tyler or he’s burned on one arm, then you’re locked into that because you’ve shot it now.”
Thankfully, the impressive scene came together with an insane number of cuts as they filmed various stages of the fight. (Beware: major spoilers ahead!)

According to Screen Rant, the first cut in the 21-minute sequence is as Tyler (Hemsworth) begins his extraction (see what they did there) of Ketevan (Tinatin Dalakishvili) and her two kids, with the camera focusing on the door rather than the group.
As they progress through the building towards the prison’s laundromat, a falling body and an opening hatch hide the next two cuts – with a clever camera shake enhancing the illusion.
The filmmakers even use people to cover any breaks in filming, with Ketevan hiding a cut as she ascends a ladder.
She is later involved in another cut (the fifth), as Tyler is knocked to the ground and the actor is replaced with her stunt double.
A similar moment happens moments later, with the villainous Davit (Tornike Bziava) also being replaced for a stunt double as the action focuses on Tyler amid the ongoing chaos.
This happens again as the fights get grittier, with the camerawork tightly continuing to switch between the two men as they are slammed into various objects including a furnace and door – covering yet another two cuts.
And this is only the first nine transitions – you are keeping track, right?

Retreating from the brutal fight, the ladder hatch is used again to weave together shots as is a lone shooter, a brick wall and two prison inmates as the action now moves outside.
This begins the incredible hammer fight section, with two more cuts hidden between Hemsworth and his attacker.
Ketevan is still desperate to escape, with the mother pulling a grenade and the resulting casualty hiding another transition.
As the panicked woman is dragged away, Tyler is then hit with a brick with two cuts hidden as we focus on his shaken reaction to both events.
He is then set upon by more henchmen, with a Molotov cocktail being thrown with a shield allowing stunt crews and production to hide the special effects.
In the final courtyard scene, a dumbbell and a closing door cover the subtle transitions.
If you are feeling exhausted reading this just imagine being part of the production crew – who also had to rig the upcoming train sequence.

Tyler gives chase through the frigid countryside, with an exploding gate marking the end of the courtyard section as we focus on his newly acquired car.
During the high-speed pursuit various crashing cars act as covers for transitions, as well as focusing in and out of the various vehicles still in pursuit.
With Tyler’s car finally overturning, the epic scene makes its 32nd cut as the group enters the train station before jumping onboard with a pole and a door covering another two cuts.
For a brief time, our attention focuses on Nik as she has a separate fight - with the smashing glass, shots and stabbings hiding more stunt performers throughout the epic shot.
Meanwhile, the heroic Tyler is later seen battling yet more baddies amid a stunning CGI exterior, allowing for the action to seamlessly move back to the carriage.
Following the hard man through the carriage, various cuts are hidden as the camera tracks and follows him outside, with a hail of bullets awaiting the hero.
Again these cover many of the scene's transitions. The final cut is hidden among the wreckage of the crashing train.
If that description doesn't whet your appetite for the Netflix film - we don't know what will.
Topics: Chris Hemsworth, Netflix, Film and TV