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Elliot Page fans stunned at how much his voice has changed as he shares new video

Elliot Page fans stunned at how much his voice has changed as he shares new video

The Umbrella Academy star may have been celebrating his new memoir, but fans were more impressed with his new voice

Fans have been left stunned by how much Elliot Page’s voice has changed after the actor shared a new video on social media.

The Umbrella Academy star had been unboxing copies of his memoir in a touching moment, with his voice noticeably deeper than before his transition.

Despite it only briefly showing the Canadian actor, the Instagram clip has got fans flocking to the comments to congratulate him.

Page’s book, titled Pageboy, will mostly focus on the 36-year-old's relationship with his body, including his struggles with body dysmorphia before transitioning from female to male.

Thankfully, Page has finally become more comfortable with his body in recent years and even shared his first shirtless selfie on Instagram last week.

In the caption, he opened up about he’d previously hated his body - especially in the warmer months.

He wrote: “Dysphoria used to be especially rife in the summer. No layers, just a T-shirt - or layers and oh so sweaty - constantly looking down, readjusting my oversized T.”

Continuing, the Juno star added: “It feels so f**ing good soaking in the sun now, I never thought I could experience this, the joy I feel in my body. I am so grateful for what gender-affirming care has allowed me and I look forward to sharing more of my journey soon.”

Elliot Page shared his first shirtless selfie on Instagram last week.

It’s been a busy month for the actor, who was also finally able to hold copies of his new book.

Flicking through the hardback, Page was taken aback and said: "Wow, it’s real," before adding: “I can’t wait for you to read it.”

He echoed this in the caption, with 30-second clip gaining nearly 100,000 likes in the hours since it was uploaded.

While many fans may have been hyped about the book, others were more focused on how the actor’s voice had deepened after transitioning and celebrated Page’s newfound self-acceptance.

Fans have been left stunned by how much Elliot Page’s voice has changed.

Many took to the comment section of the post to wish him well, with one excited fan adding a heart face emoji as they wrote: “How his voice has changed!”

Another agreed, writing: “OMG your voice sounds so good!!!”

Meanwhile, most were just ecstatic about the upcoming release of Pageboy next month.

One follower even wrote: “Now this is an unboxing that makes my heart full! So excited for you! Can wait to read it!”

Well, we think this book will be a real Page turner!

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@elliotpage

Topics: Celebrity, Elliot Page, Instagram, LGBTQ, Mental Health