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People are hailing Joaquin Phoenix as one of the 'greatest actors ever' after seeing test footage from Joker

People are hailing Joaquin Phoenix as one of the 'greatest actors ever' after seeing test footage from Joker

He bagged the 2020 Academy Award in the Best Actor category for his portrayal as Batman's arch-nemesis

Back in 2020, Hollywood titan Joaquin Phoenix knocked his acting competitors out the park after bagging the Oscar for Best Actor following his performance in Joker.

The impressive accolade marked his first ever momentous win in this category, following nominations for his scarily accurate portrayal of Johnny Cash in 2006's biopic Walk the Line, and his emotional performance as WWII veteran Freddie Quell in 2013 psychological drama's The Master.

But the eerie portrayal of Batman's long-standing antagonist in Todd Phillips' psychologically thrilling adaptation received high praise across the board.

That year, Phoenix beat the likes of Antonio Banderas (Pain and Glory), Leonardo DiCaprio (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood), Adam Driver (Marriage Story) and Jonathan Pryce (The Two Popes) to the Academy Awards' top spot.

And it appears as though fans of Joker are still fascinated by Phoenix's knock-out performance - particularly with the sequel, starring singer Lady Gaga, constantly being teased ahead of its release next year.

The actor's performance is still being praised online.
Warner Bros

In fact, DC Comics fanatics are still so obsessed with the movie, that Phoenix's audition test footage has been doing the rounds on social media.

The reel includes scenes that show troubled comedian Arthur Fleck - portrayed chillingly by Phoenix - getting into character as the sadistic chain-smoking clown he later becomes.

And the high-praise comments have continued to roll in ever since.

"What I love about this is that it's just a wardrobe and make-up test, but Joaquin is so in character it doesn't feel like a production test at all," one fan wrote. "You are seeing the real joker right then and there before your very eyes."

Joaquin Phoenix won Best Actor for his role as Arthur Fleck.
Warner Bros

Another added: "Joaquin Phoenix has got to be one of the greatest actors ever. Since I first saw him in Gladiator, his acting is always beyond convincing. In the role of Commodus, you can see in his eyes that he carries a grief for being rejected by his father his whole life."

They went on: "It's unbelievable how he manages to become and live his characters to the fullest."

A third gushed: "This gave me a feeling of unease. That’s why he was chosen. He was amazing as the JOKER."

While a final user commented: "Joaquin has a unique gift that cannot be taught, either you have it or you don't... he can appear so vulnerable and make it look natural. His brother was also blessed with a natural talent. I can think of only a hand full of actors like this."

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros

Topics: Batman, DC Comics, Joaquin Phoenix, Joker, Celebrity