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Breaking Bad’s Jesse Pinkman Gasps As He’s Reunited With ‘Peekaboo’ Boy Actors 13 Years Later

Breaking Bad’s Jesse Pinkman Gasps As He’s Reunited With ‘Peekaboo’ Boy Actors 13 Years Later

This is too heartwarming

Breaking Bad star Aaron Paul was reunited with the child actors who played the 'Peekaboo' boy 13 years after the show dropped, and his reaction is priceless.

The heartwarming footage was shared on the Instagram page All About Saul, showing the Jesse Pinkman actor as he's busy signing bottles at a promo event.

But the minute the red-headed twins walk up to his booth, he immediately recognises them and stops what he's doing, shouting, "Oh my god!"

He adds, "Oh wow, no way, great to see you guys," before asking someone in the crowd to take a photo of their reunion.

In the background, someone says 'peekaboo', referencing the episode in which the boy actors starred in.

For those not in the know, 'Peekaboo' was the sixth episode of the second season of Breaking Bad, and was ranked as one of the 100 greatest telly episodes of all time by TV Guide.

Viewers particularly connected with the scene in which Paul's character Jesse plays the titular game with the toddler who is living in horrifying conditions due to his drug addicted parents.

As said by EW writer Ariana Bacle back in 2014: "Jesse’s an addict, and in a society that tends to shun addicts, Jesse could have just been another one-dimensional worthless druggie.

"But Breaking Bad did something great by giving Jesse a conscience and a heart and humanity, qualities TV and movies often ignore when portraying addicts.


"We get to see Jesse’s complexity in the episode 'Peekaboo' when he sets off to retrieve stolen money and drugs for Skinny Pete and ends up forming a bond with the offenders’ son, a toddler left alone at home."

Dozens of fans have commented on the recent reunion between Paul and the kids who portrayed the toddler in the show, with one writing: "That is awesome. I appreciate Aaron recognizing them right away too. Great stuff."

Another who commented on the episode said: "It made me cry seeing how loving Jesse was to that kid in the episode. You have a great rest of your life.

Fans were shocked to find out the 'Peekaboo' toddler was played by twins.

"Yes I know it’s only a show but it still gives you the feels and in the end we all cheered that Jesse got to start his life over in Alaska."

Others mentioned the fact that they didn't know the child was played by twins, including this person who said: "Had no idea he was played by identical twins, Olsen vibes."

Well, you learn something new everyday.

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Featured Image Credit: Instagram/Dave Layman/AMC

Topics: Film and TV, Instagram, Celebrity