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Viral video of Norwegian babies left alone in freezing weather to sleep shocks foreigners

Viral video of Norwegian babies left alone in freezing weather to sleep shocks foreigners

Internet users were understandably left baffled when the video was shared on TikTok

Footage of multiple babies being left outside in the cold to sleep has, understandably, left viewers absolutely baffled.

Even wrapped up in sweaters, coats and scarves, stepping outside into cold temperatures at the moment feels like something that should be avoided at all costs.

Admittedly babies don't have as much choice in when they go outside, instead usually being ferried about by their parents, but generally it seems like a good idea to keep them out of the cold as much as possible.

Apparently, however, that's not necessarily the case in Norway.

Footage of not just one, but multiple babies being left outside to sleep was posted by Aussie TikToker Olly Bowman (@mrmelk_) earlier this year.

Alongside the video, Bowman wrote: "Another day in Norway, another group of babies left out alone in the cold. Look how many there are.”

Many people were baffled by the idea.

I know, I know, the scene sparks a lot of questions. Why are the babies being left outside to sleep? Why are there so many of them doing it at the same time? Why isn't a concerned party coming to collect them?

Social media users were quick to voice their confusion, with one person writing: "Are babies not kidnapped in Norway? My anxiety would never.”

Someone else said: “No. Freaking. Way.”

A third wrote: “I’m sorry WHAT.”

However, while the situation might look concerning to those of us who aren't used to seeing babies take a quick nap out in the cold, apparently it isn't all that unusual in some cultures.

Bowman explained: “It helps with their breathing and makes them more independent.

“It’s actually why so many people leave home earlier in Norway than other countries.”

Who needs a crib when you could just nap outside?

Bowman also took to the streets to ask parents in Oslo why they thought babies were left outside to sleep.

One person responded: “I could leave [my baby] outside for a second or two at a café if I'm going inside for a coffee, but I always want to supervise her. I want to see her and make sure she’s not crying.”

They added that their child was a newborn, so they would maybe consider ‘leaving her for a bit longer’ when she’s slightly older.

Another local said the habit of leaving babies outside ‘depends on where you are’, adding: “In Oslo, yeah.”

A third said they knew people who did it, but chose not to themselves - though not for the reason you might think.

They told Bowman: "I know a lot of prams have been stolen as well - but people don’t steal the prams when there are babies inside of them."

So maybe the babies are actually just great security alarms? Whatever the reason, it's definitely an idea that takes some getting used to!

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@mrmelk_

Topics: Parenting, World News, TikTok