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Delivery driver declines 75% of orders he receives due to strict rule he follows

Delivery driver declines 75% of orders he receives due to strict rule he follows

Jay, who does not show his face on his popular TikTok account, declines 75 percent of his orders.

Unless the tip is that shocking, delivery drivers tend to pick up the majority of jobs to ensure they make as much money as possible.

However, one particular delivery driver has a unique way of raking in the tips and it involves turning down some jobs other delivery drivers would dream of.

Despite that, Jay, whose last name was redacted to protect his identity, has a tactic that seems to work perfectly for him.

Unlike a full-time gig, Jay delivers food and services to people's houses for ten hours a week, working for the likes of DoorDash and Uber Eats.

The delivery driver claims it's his 'weekend side hustle', only accepting orders that pay the most, which is usually those with the biggest up-front tip.

He shares his experiences on TikTok under the handle @downtownhustle, without showing his face on camera.

The delivery driver declines 75 percent of orders.
Getty Stock Photo

The account is very much a popular one as well, boasting 150,000 followers on the popular video platform app.

Jay told Insider he didn't accept orders with low tips and hangs around on his bike in wealthy neighborhoods because of the bigger tips promised.

He explained that DoorDash and Uber Eats give a base payment that depends partly on distance and inconvenience fees - as well as any up-front tips.




Payments can go up to $4.50 per order, but if the order is paying between $2-$2.50, it means the customer didn't offer a tip up front.

Jay said he won't waste his time waiting to see if the customer will pay a tip on delivery, declining around 75% of the orders he receives.

Jay is loved by his fans, that's for sure.

He explained: "I'm not doing this to gamble. I'm doing this to make money.

"So I'm not really interested in playing the game of, 'Oh, maybe I'll do this person's delivery for a guaranteed $2.50. Maybe it might be more.' I don't play that game. And most people don't like to play that game.

"That's what results in their order's not getting picked up, or it takes awhile for them to get their food."

The majority of orders he sees do include a tip, Jay said.

According to Insider, they generally range from $3 to $7 (£2.39 to £5.57) with drivers keeping 100% of the money.

"I think people should be tipping for the premium service that they're being provided," Jay argued.

A New York Times report from earlier this year stated that many delivery drivers benefited from extra trips during the pandemic - something that certainly makes sense as we couldn't leave our homes.

However, since things have returned to normality, customers have cut back.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/downtownhustle / Catherine Delahaye/Getty

Topics: News, US News, Food and Drink, TikTok