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Heartwarming reason why bride and groom set themselves on fire during wedding ceremony

Heartwarming reason why bride and groom set themselves on fire during wedding ceremony

They made sure their wedding ceremony ended with a bang.

For years now, people have been finding ways to make their wedding epic.

Whether it's ditching the traditional first dance for a mash-up of your favourite songs, or you swap your ring bearers for llamas, there's plenty of ways to liven up your big day and turn it into something extraordinary.

One couple decided to go the extra mile and make their wedding one that their guests would never forget by setting themselves of fire as they exited the wedding.

Yep. You heard that right. Take a look for yourself:

Gabe Jessop and Ambyr Bambyr intentionally set themselves alight as they walked down the aisle and left their audience gobsmacked.

The pair, who met whilst working as stunt doubles in the film industry, and have starred in the likes of Yellowstone and Hereditary, knew that something explosive was going to be on the cards when they eventually tied the knot.

This resulted in them paying homage to their shared careers during their special day.

It goes without saying, but please don't try this at home.

Footage of the wild stunt has since been circling on social media. The fire started with a flaming bouquet of flowers which then spread over the back of the bride and groom who are walking hand in hand. Guests can be heard cheering them on from the sidelines.

The couple stunned with their crazy stunt.
Jam Press

A Twitter account called @Vicoseven has since shared pictures of the action and other users are losing their minds.

"How did their hair survive?" one asked, while another added: "Oh, weddings for stuntmen who play dangerous roles are different. Wishing you both hundreds of years of happiness."

A third wrote: "Great to see that these two stunt doubles are giving the next step of their life a very interesting start. Wonder how they would explain to their kids if they decide to have any what their wedding was like."

Extinguishers were on hand to put the couple out.

It's not the first time couples have gone to extra lengths to make their wedding exciting. In fact, early 2000s British TV show Don't Tell The Bride has seen plenty of wild and wonderful weddings, including one episode where a bride was made to skydive into her wedding, courtesy of her partner who had planned the whole thing. Luckily, once the bride had her feet firmly on solid ground again she saw the funny side, or the marriage could have been over well before it had began.

Congratulations to the happy couple.

Featured Image Credit: Jam Press

Topics: Sex and Relationships, Viral, Weird