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The pawfect guide to visiting Scotland

The pawfect guide to visiting Scotland

Scotland is the ideal place to take your dog. From pet friendly hotels to long dog walks, here are some of the best things to do.

I am having the most wonderful time here in Scotland! I brought my human along on my Highland holiday and I think he’s having a good time too because I’ve been getting a lot of head patting and “good boys.”

Anyway, for all my furry pals out there that are wondering what Scotland’s like, here’s what we’ve been up to…

Hostelling Scotland

One of my favourite things to do is go walkies and so our days have been the most fun ever as we've been exploring the UK’s largest national park - Cairngorms! My human and I have hiked our way through the Scottish countryside, and I’ve been able to scout out all sorts of new smells and sounds. I think it must be quite beautiful here too because the human keeps stopping to take photographs of the scenery which does delay us a bit but I don’t really mind as it’s his holiday too.

On one of the walkies I even came across some big, fluffy doggos that I hadn’t seen before, that the human kept calling “sheep.” He put me on the lead for this bit of the walk so I wouldn’t accidentally scare them!

In the evenings, my human and I would often go out to explore the cosy local pubs and restaurants. I was always welcome wherever we went, and everyone was so friendly. The human wouldn’t let me try a bite of their haggis (something about it being poisonous to dogs but I think he just didn’t want to share) but luckily the humans behind the bars usually had some delicious biscuit-y treats for me.

Hostelling Scotland

After all that fun, we’d get pretty sleepy so we’d go back to our accommodation at Cairngorm Lodge Youth Hostel for some much needed shut eye before we did it all again the next day! I really liked staying here as the place was so cosy and I was even allowed in the lounge area while the human enjoyed a whisky nightcap.

VisitScotland / Damian Shields

Oh before I forget, I must tell you that I went swimming for the very first time in Scotland! Less than a 5-minute walk from the hostel was Loch Morlich - the UK’s highest body of water and home to a golden sandy beach that is pawfect for running along. Once I’d worked up the courage to get in the water the human really struggled to get me out but I had so much fun shaking my fur all over him when I finally did. Although he didn’t look best pleased…

Overall, it has been an incredible trip and I can't wait to come back to Scotland someday for more canine capers. There is so much more to explore and discover and I hope to see all my doggy pals there.

Until the next Scottish adventure!

Featured Image Credit: Visit Scotland

Topics: Travel, Animals, Dogs