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Man sparks debate after showing $89-a-night hostel to afford living in New York

Man sparks debate after showing $89-a-night hostel to afford living in New York

Social media users became locked in a debate over living conditions after seeing what $89-a-night hostel gets you in New York.

Finding a good place to live in a major city like New York is often expected to be a stressful process but some social media users are questioning whether it is even worth it after watching a viral TikTok clip.

TikTok user Erik Von Conover has highlighted how much space you get if you are willing to pay $89 a night at a hostel in New York City.

Users have likened the living space to that of a jail cell and have been less than convinced due to the relatively expensive living costs.

Conover started the video by approaching fellow TikToker Dylan Magaster who appears to be staying at the Interfaith Retreats hostel in New York.

The pair then walked into the small rectangular box room and describe it as a as roughly five foot by six-foot bedroom. Magaster described it as a being, ‘humble but accommodating’, however.

Magaster added that the small room had a desk, storage space underneath the bed as well as a shelf on top of the bed. He continued to show the other facilities available to him, including a shower, a bathroom and two sinks a few steps away from his room.

The hostel also has a communal area, and these areas are all used by the other 104 rooms in the hostel.

Magaster described the room as a being, ‘humble but accommodating’.

Giving a tour of the communal area, Magaster explained they have those staying also have access to hot and cold drinking water, fruit, vegetarian food available.

“The proceeds from the bookings go to feeding the homeless. They actually have a kitchen that they run and they feed the homeless 3 times a week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, every time without fail," Magaster said.

Despite this, TikTok users were less convinced about the arrangement.




“That's over $2,600 a month??? for a jail cell,” one social media user wrote.

“Just go to jail man at least you got a toilet in your cell,” another person joked.

“$89 a day is wild. That's $2,759 per month for a closet,” commented another person.

The hostel also has a communal area and this area is available to the guests in all of the 104 rooms.

“Nothing will ever convince me it’s worth living in NYC,” wrote another.

However, some people suggested that this could work for the right person in the right arrangement.

“That's a great idea. There should be more of these places in New York. But, I'm a Southern. I'm used to having plenty of space for myself,” one user added.

"I was there literally last month, good place if u just need a bed to sleep in, although you can definitely hear everyone snoring,” another added.

What do you think? Do you think you could stomach the cramped living space to live in the Big Apple?

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/erikconover

Topics: New York, TikTok