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This Navy SEALs breathing technique helps you drastically reduce stress and relax

This Navy SEALs breathing technique helps you drastically reduce stress and relax

A Navy SEAL breathing technique has stunned social media users at how effective it is for relaxation and de-stressing.

There's no denying that life is pretty damn stressful at times, but did you know that there are breathing techniques that can aid in relaxation?

While we all have our own ways of relaxing after a stressful day, the US Navy SEALs use a breathing exercise that seems to provide multiple benefits.

Former US Navy SEALs Commander, NYT bestselling author of The Way of the SEAL and founder of SEALFIT Mark Divine has praised the box breathing technique for years.

So much so that in 2006, when he founded his fitness and training program SEALFIT, he went on to teach this technique to other SEAL and Special Ops candidates as well, according to reports.

A video giving a brief breakdown of the easy-to-learn technique has also gone viral on X, with the short clip having so far been viewed more than 5.7 million times.

To do the exercise, you must inhale slowly for 4 seconds. Then hold your breath for 4 seconds. Then slowly exhale through your mouth for 4 seconds. Then hold your breath again.

You then repeat this process another three to five times.

Former Navy SEAL Mark Divine has praised the box breathing technique for years.
Greg Mathieson/Mai/Getty Images

Divine has praised the exercise and insisted it saved his life on multiple occasions as it allowed him to focus, relax and cope with stressful situations.

Box breathing is a technique that helps you take control of your automatic breathing patterns to train your breath for optimal health and performance,” Divine said in a Forbes report of the exercise.

“This helps us draw the air deep into our lungs, slowing down the breathing rhythm and stimulating the vagal nerve – which runs throughout the central nervous system,”

"The calming and focusing effects of this technique are noticeable within just a few minutes of practice.

"If you feel agitated at all on the exhale hold, you can shorten it to a two or three count. If four count is easy, consider doing it for five or six counts.

Divine insisted the breathing technique saved his life on multiple occasions.
Getty Stock Image

“Box breathing allowed me to perform exceedingly well in the SEALs. It was instrumental in saving my life several times in crises.

“I was able to remain calm and focus clearly to avoid reactionary thinking, or worse, panic.

“I also used the practice to extend my dive duration when using a closed-circuit re-breather – from the customary four hours to nearly five,”

Even if you aren’t in dire situations regularly like Navy SEALS on a regular basis, you can likely benefit from being able to focus better and release stress.

Featured Image Credit: Westend61/Halfpoint Images

Topics: Military, Health, Mental Health