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This year’s Met Gala red carpet leaves fans absolutely baffled

This year’s Met Gala red carpet leaves fans absolutely baffled

It's all supposed to be part of the theme but fans reckon it's not been done well

It's that time of the year where all eyes are glued to the Met Gala for a night for glitz, glamour and oh dear god what on earth have they done to their red carpet?

We should be judging celebrities on how well they're pulling off their outfits, but a lot of fans are finding it hard to watch the array of famous faces stride up the red carpet, since it's the carpet that's standing out most of all.

Tonight's Met Gala theme is 'Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty' in honour of the late German fashion designer who was a regular visitor to the Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute.

However, it's caused backlash for a few reasons, one of which being accusations levelled against Lagerfield saying that during his career he made fatphobic, racist and misogynistic comments.

People aren't fans of this year's red carpet at the Met Gala.

Some groups even said they wouldn't be covering this year's Met Gala 'as our values don’t align with the selection of Karl Lagerfeld as the theme'.

One of the most egregious examples was something he said during an interview in 2009, where he said 'no one wants to see curvy women'. Elsewhere in the same interview he slated 'fat mothers with their bags of chips sitting in front of the television and saying that thin models are ugly'.

The Met Gala's red carpet design has gone down like a lead balloon.

That's just one of the issues with tonight's big theme as another is that their attempts to stick to the theme have resulted in a pretty terrible red carpet, which is being widely slammed on social media.

The Met Gala has foregone the traditional red carpet for a selection of red and blue lines over a white foundation, and pretty much everyone who's seen it has had the same thought: it looks like toothpaste more than anything else.

People keeping an eager eye on the Met Gala thought it was more Colgate than Karl Lagerfeld.

Someone joked that they felt like they were watching 'a new Colgate teeth whitening product event', while another asked 'how the hell is this a red carpet event' when red was barely featured in the carpet.

Plenty of others thought it was giving them 'toothpaste vibes', which got slammed as being 'boring just like the theme.

Another even went as far to say that 'it's not giving this year', which is just about the most hurtful thing we could imagine.

This year's design just isn't doing it for a lot of Met Gala fans.

Many more piled on with the criticism of this year's Met Gala look, wondering 'is there no budget this time around', and slating the red carpet as 'ugly'.

When it came to the 'Colgate carpet' one person simply denounced it as 'mid'.

Among all of the toothpaste jokes, someone else said it looked more like the patterns on the shell of Togepi, a popular Pokémon.

Featured Image Credit: Associated Press/Alamy

Topics: Celebrity, Fashion, US News, Met Gala