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Longest walkable distance on earth which no one is known to have completed

Longest walkable distance on earth which no one is known to have completed

The route will take you through 17 countries, but it's not for the faint hearted.

Whilst humans have explored almost every inch of our planet, there’s still one journey that no one has made.

The route is the longest walkable distance on Earth and spans from South Africa all the way Eastern Russia.

Hiking across arid deserts and frozen wastelands, only the brave would venture on this path less travelled.

For those considering the ambitious hike, you’ll need to begin in the port of Magadan in Russia and finish in sunny Cape Town – having walked nearly 22,387km.

However, you’ll need to save up your holiday as the route will take an estimated 187 days or roughly 4,800 hours of non-stop walking to complete the journey.

Even if you were to forgoe all sleep and toilet breaks, the route would still take most of a year which is well above the 25 days most people are entitled to.

In addition, the guaranteed only stop you’d get would be along the Suez Canal as you take a ferry to the waterway and enjoy a short rest after non-stop travel.

As well as getting the green light from your boss, you’ll need to bring an extensive wardrobe as well as a valid passport as you cross through 17 countries - all with their own climate and difficult terrain.

The route will take you across 17 countries.
Google Maps

Unsurprisingly, no one has yet to complete the hike which is the equivalent of walking up Mount Everest 13 times.

Whilst you may gain lifelong bragging rights and an incredible story after completing the route, we wouldn’t recommend it.

As well as getting weary legs, the trip enters into some of the most dangerous territories in the world.

Many of the regions en route areas of intense conflict such as South Sudan, which had been in the grip of a civil war until 2020.

Not to mention the journey begins in Russia, which invaded Ukraine early last year.

No one has ever completed the 22,000km journey.
Image Professionals GmbH / Alamy Stock Photo

The route has been also greatly affected by the recent earthquake in Turkey and Syria, which has claimed the lives of an estimated 33,000 people – with that figure set to rise as the weeks go on.

For those looking to stay closer to home, you could emulate the many who walked from London to Birmingham ‘for a laugh’.

Back in 2021, keen hiker David McEntee documented his 137 mile walk for his YouTube channel as he walked the lengthy canal route up to the Midlands.

Whilst not quite as impressive, we reckon you’ll still have a story to tell by the end.

Featured Image Credit: @sherifelsahly/TikTok / Alamy

Topics: Weird, Travel, Russia, Ukraine