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Man 'breaks record' for fastest mile walked on an airplane during flight but people are divided

Man 'breaks record' for fastest mile walked on an airplane during flight but people are divided

The TikToker left people with mixed opinions after completing his challenge

An influencer claims to have broken the record for the fastest mile walked on an airplane, but his challenge has left viewers divided.

There are all sorts of ways people keep themselves entertained on flights. Some utilize Netflix's download button and do some serious bingeing; some kick back with a good book; and some just stick their headphones in and let the music play.

Or, if you're TikToker Matt James, you could try and set a world record.

Last month, James took to TikTok to share a video claiming he had broken 'the world record for fastest mile recorded in an airplane'.

In his clip, the TikToker described how he loaded up on carbs before starting his challenge, with the first part of his mile involving a walk to the back of the plane to grab a cookie.

Luckily for James, most people on his flight were asleep as he carried out his mission, meaning there weren't many people blocking his path as he walked up and down the aisle and sought to put the mile behind him.

James had to do multiple laps of the plane to reach 1 mile.

After 18 minutes, James had successfully walked one mile, earning him what he believes to be a world record for the fastest mile walked on a plane.

However, the TikToker did admit that he 'couldn’t find if there was any sort of [official] record' for walking a mile on a plane, making his attempt 'unofficial'.

Still, James seemed happy with his result, and enjoyed a 'victory meal' of chicken and rice afterwards.

But while James was delighted with his achievement, viewers were left divided after his video was shared online.

Many viewers congratulated James, with one writing: "18 minutes of greatness."

Others were more critical though, with a number of viewers pointing out that it would likely be 'annoying' to have someone walk past you repeatedly while you tried to sleep.

"Imagine you’re tryna sleep and you just have this guy constantly going by you," one wrote, while another added: "Bro definitely annoyed some ppl walking in the aisle all flight."

"Are you f**king kidding me?" asked another person on Reddit. "Imagine being on a flight trying to relax and some jack**s is running up and down with his phone talking to himself."

However, other people stuck up for James and argued that 'with the right walking shoe and dress attire, he would be fairly silent, especially since most have headphones'.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@mattjames9191

Topics: TikTok, Travel, Entertainment, Social Media