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Baba Vanga's terrifying predicition for 2023 that has just come true

Baba Vanga's terrifying predicition for 2023 that has just come true

Another of Baba Vanga's predictions has proved prophetic.

Baba Vanga has accurately predicted yet another event for 2023.

The late Bulgarian mystic - who died in 1996 - made a series of predictions before her passing, dating all the way to 5079.

And her forecast for 2024 has recently been revealed - which is looking pretty bleak.

From cyber attacks and Vladimir Putin being targeted by an assassin, to terrifying weather events and an economic crisis, the outlook for 2024 seems quite miserable if Vanga's predictions come true.

Making her estimates look even more likely, something she said about 2023 has just come true.

Vanga previously said that this year we'd be faced with a solar storm which could result in catastrophe.

Baba Vanga is credited with predicting a number of global events.

As per Sky History, the term ‘solar storm’ can refer to several phenomena on the sun’s surface, including solar flares and coronal mass ejections.

And yesterday (December 1), the globe experienced just that.

Physicist Tamitha Skov warned people about the solar event before it happened.

"The storm is predicted to hit Earth by midday December 1... If the magnetic field is oriented correctly, expect aurora to reach deep into mid-latitudes. Amateur radio and GPS reception issues are likely, especially on Earth’s nightside," Dr Skov penned on X.

She continued: “Along with two earlier storms already en route means we have a 1, 2, 3-punch. If the magnetic field is oriented correctly, expect #aurora to reach deep into mid-latitudes.

"Amateur #radio & #GPS reception issues are likely, especially on Earth's nightside. G3+ conditions are possible with this storm series."

Dr. Skov warned on social media that the storm was coming.

While there were concerns that the storm could cause blackouts in certain areas (as well as causing further issues, as per Vanga's predictions), it appears as if the storm proved more beautiful and scenic than anything else.

Overnight, people have been posting photographs online of the auroras they witnessed during the storm.

As to why these stunning rays of light grace our skies during the storm, NASA explains on its site: "These natural light shows are caused by magnetic storms that have been triggered by solar activity, such as solar flares (explosions on the Sun) or coronal mass ejections (ejected gas bubbles)."

In an update shared on X in recent hours, Dr Skov said that the storm is now 'waning', but warned that 'another chance is coming with a big coronal hole set to send us fast #solar wind in about three days'.

The physicist went on: "We will likely jump back to G1-levels, especially since there are several new grazing solar storm blows expected around the same time!"

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/ HTB

Topics: Life, News, Science, Space