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Last day of high school video from the 90s shows how things have massively changed

Last day of high school video from the 90s shows how things have massively changed

You really can't compete with nostalgia

Of course, a lot of things have changed from the 1990s to the current day - believe it or not, the 90s are some 30 years ago now!

Do you feel old yet?

From the technology we use every day, to the iconic clothing that very much belonged in the 1990s, an awful lot has changed - with some things even coming back into fashion.

And perhaps the most obvious way of seeing the differences is through archived content, and a video of the last day of high school in the 90s is the perfect example.

Check it out:

While the people in the footage were young high school students with their whole lives ahead of them when this was first shot, now they'll be bona-fide adults in their 40s dealing with the tribulations of middle age.

Beyond how long ago it was for those featured in the footage is just how different everything looks, and we're not talking about the picture quality

This was back in the days before everyone had their own personal computer, camera and phone all rolled into one in their pocket.

Look at all these people living in the moment, not a single iPhone in sight. Mostly because they hadn't been invented yet.
YouTube/Nostalgic Viibes

Instead, people are gathered round tables chatting or looking through stacks of actual photos, and then there's what was known as fashion in the 90s.

The video prompted people to share their own experiences of how different things were these days and unleash a wave of nostalgia for those heady days of the 90s.

One person wrote that, for them, the 90s was a period of time where 'the world was our oyster' and after generations of the Cold War they were living through a period of 'mostly optimism'.

Someone else said they loved 'how laid back and acquainted everyone is with each other, even the teachers', and lamented they didn't see that these days.

This is what being cool looked like in the 90s.
YouTube/Nostalgic Viibes

Another person chimed in to say it was 'heartwarming and endearing' to see the 'sense of community brimming from the recording', bemoaning that phones had put people in their 'own small world'.

Plenty of people admitted that through the years they'd discovered 'live moves pretty fast', as the mythical '10 years from now' reunion they kept talking about in the 90s footage was 17 years ago from the present day.

The people in the video will have kids who are older now than they were when their last day of high school was captured on camera.

Someone else succinctly declared it to be the 'best decade ever', and in the end you really can't compete with nostalgia.

Even if that reminiscing down memory lane does make us feel awfully old.

Featured Image Credit: Nostalgic Viibes / Youtube

Topics: Education, US News, Weird