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Seth Rogen Reacts After His Mum Tweets About ‘Great Sex’

Seth Rogen Reacts After His Mum Tweets About ‘Great Sex’

Whether they mean to or not, parents often end up embarrassing their kids; and Seth Rogen is the latest victim of this innocuous crime.

Whether they mean to or not, parents often end up embarrassing their kids; whether it's with a corny dad joke or your mum inadvertently revealing something in front of your friends.

Previously, this type of thing was usually confined to your own house. Nowadays, it's quickly dispersed across the internet thanks to the ubiquity of social media.

Seth Rogen appears to be latest victim of this fairly innocuous crime, proving that no matter what age you get to or your level of success and fame, parents still can make you want to curl up in ball and disappear with the uttering of a throwaway phrase.

Seth Rogen (Alamy)
Seth Rogen (Alamy)

Seth's mum Sandy, herself boasting more than 122,000 followers on Twitter, recently took to the platform to share what would ordinarily be a private thought with the internet-using world. Because that's social media.

She wrote: 'You know how when you give blood you get a little badge that says,” I gave blood today”, well there should be one that says” I had great sex today”. Ha ha ha …'

It's the type of tweet we've all learned to read, ignore, and move on from. But this is Seth Rogen and his mum, so here we are...

Sandy's followers were quick to respond. 'What happened to things being private? Not everything deserves a sticker,' one wrote. 'When they said parents love to embarrass their children, well this tweet is in another level,' another said. 'Omg as the mother of a 15 year old son I love this! If you haven’t embarrassed your son daily have you really parented? Sorry @Sethrogen,' a third tweeted.

Of course, Seth had to respond to the tweet, and if your natural response isn't to curl up into a ball and try to disappear, complete and total destruction is the only other option.

'Burn this app to the ground,' the actor wrote'

While many found the humour in the whole situation, others sympathised with the Knocked Up star. 'It’s nice to see someone else’s parents torturing them publicly as well. Welcome to the club, Seth!' one wrote.

It's not the first time Seth and his mother have been vocal on Twitter; at the height of Bridgerton's hype, the actor revealed his mum was reviewing the show, after she gave the following critique: 'So on bridgerton they always seem to have their orgasms exactly at the same time , or at least that’s what it looks like to this old lady...'

Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

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Featured Image Credit: Landmark Media/Alamy/Sandy Rogen/Twitter

Topics: Seth Rogen, Twitter