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Paul Rudd's son is going viral for sounding exactly like Paul Rudd

Paul Rudd's son is going viral for sounding exactly like Paul Rudd

The Ant-man actor's son even dressed similarly to his dad, with the pair looking like twins during a recent interview

He might be a giant in Hollywood thanks to his role as Ant-Man, but Paul Rudd already has some stiff competition - from his own son, Jack.

The pair appeared in a post-game interview during this year's Super Bowl (12 February), in which Jack grabbed fans’ attention by sounding exactly like his famous father.

The 17-year-old has quickly gone viral on TikTok, with one clip of the interview being watched over 6.5 million times since game day.

Dressed in a large jersey over a white hoodie, Jack could be his father’s twin as the Marvel star speaks about their beloved team - Kansas City Chiefs.

Even Jack’s body language is almost identical to his dad’s, with the teenager crossing him arms and putting his hands in his pockets as he mirrors Rudd.

When he does start to speak about the game and, it’s almost too much for Fox Sport presenter Peter Schrager - who struggles to contain his laughter.

“I just wanna thank Patrick Mahomes for existing... I cannot believe he is a real person,” gushed Jack, still on a high from watching his team win the Super Bowl.

Paul Rudd and his son Jack on game day.
Fox Sports

Not long after the interview aired on live TV, it began to circulate online with fans going wild over the Rudds' resemblance.

“He looks like a random kid doing an insanely accurate Paul Rudd impression," joked one user.

Another fan wrote: “Not even just the sound of the voice. Literally down to the exact cadence, the WAY he says things is exactly the same.”

The father and son are life-long Kansas City Chiefs fans.
Fox Sports

“Everyone-we all need more Paul Rudd *enter Jack Rudd*,” said one besotted fan.

One shocked user could believe how alike the pair looked, writing: “Bruh could’ve told me that was Paul Rudd in his younger days.”

Many wonder whether Jack had inherited his ageless looks, with another fan adding: “However old Jack Rudd currently is, he's gonna look that age for the next 45 years of his life”.

While everyone else might be blown away by their similarity, Rudd’s son couldn’t be less bothered.

Paul Rudd and his family after the Super Bowl.
UPI / Alamy Stock Photo

According to the actor, Jack only realised he was famous a few years ago.

“I think that my son, when he was about 4 or 5, went to a movie theater to see a movie with his friends. There was a movie poster that I was on. It was in the lobby. So they all just thought that I worked at the movie theater, which I thought was very cute,” the-53 year-old admitted, while appearing on the Today show.

He added: “I think when he was 15, he finally put it all together."

Well, I guess it’s hard to not be down to Earth with a dad like Paul Rudd.

Featured Image Credit: ZUMA Press, Inc. / Alamy Stock Photo/ TikTok

Topics: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Paul Rudd, Super Bowl