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Will Smith trolls fans with ‘official statement’ following Jada Pinkett Smith’s revelations

Will Smith trolls fans with ‘official statement’ following Jada Pinkett Smith’s revelations

The King Richard actor took to Instagram to share his 'statement' after his wife announced their separation

Ever the performer, Will Smith has trolled fans by releasing an 'official statement' after his wife Jada Pinkett Smith announced they were separated.

Will has so far largely avoided sharing a direct response to the shocking revelation made by Jada in her book, Worthy, in which she revealed she and Will have been separated since 2016.

The King Richard actor initially told The New York Times that her memoir 'kind of woke him up', adding: “When you’ve been with someone for more than half of your life, a sort of emotional blindness sets in, and you can all too easily lose your sensitivity to their hidden nuances and subtle beauties.”

His comments came before Jada's book was officially released to the world yesterday (17 October), but with her experiences now out there for all to read, Will apparently felt it was time to share an 'official statement'.

Will Smith decided to share his 'statement' after Jada's book was published.

He began to speak out in a video shared on Instagram, looking sincerely at the camera and saying: "I got something for you - here's the thing. So, my opinion of- of-..."

The actor paused as he appeared to struggle with a sneeze, but it was no ordinary sneeze.

This was a sneeze that literally sent every curious viewer into an endless loop of illusions, zooming out from Will's face to a jungle with a waterfall, which turned out to be a puddle in a desert, which was actually the sand of an ocean.

Needless to say, it didn't offer any insight into what Will actually thinks of Jada's revelation.

Fans aren't too disappointed though, with many admiring Will's decision to troll all the people who are desperate to know every single detail of his love life.

Will and Jada have been separated since 2016.
Mike Coppola/Getty Images

"This is the only correct opinion!," one fan commented, while another joked: "Lol, that’s out of this world."

"I'm going to use this next time somebody asks me about politics!," another added.

Will's 'statement' came after he indicated to followers that he wasn't jumping at the chance to respond to Jada, and was instead opting for an often-favored method for coping when things get a bit overwhelming: taking a nap.

Showing himself lying back on a bench located on a fast-moving boat, a voice over the video of Will said: "Fun fact about me: I can take a nap almost anywhere."

Phone notifications could be heard popping off in the video, but Will steadfastly ignored them all.

A caption alongside the video read: "Notifications off :)"

Will clearly isn't going to give in to fans' desperation to hear his side of the story, so it looks like we'll just have to wait until he decides the time is right - if he decides to speak out at all, that is.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/willsmith

Topics: Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, Celebrity, Sex and Relationships, Viral