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Riot breaks out at Twitch streamer Kai Cenat’s PS5 giveaway in New York City

Riot breaks out at Twitch streamer Kai Cenat’s PS5 giveaway in New York City

The American was arrested following the riot.

A riot broke out in New York City after a Twitch streamer set up a huge giveaway for his fans.

Kai Cenat, who boasts over 20 million followers on his page, planned on giving way PS5s, as well as a bunch of other accessories yesterday (4 August).

As a result, thousands of people descended on Union Square in the Big Apple, causing absolute carnage.

Footage from the mass gathering shows Cenat getting revved up with his team in the bus before the event.

And after he arrived at the park, the streamer was immediately surrounded by excited fans.

ithin a matter of minutes, thousands had gathered for the giveaway, with pockets of violence breaking out.

Thousands descended on Union Square for Kai Cenat's giveaway.

According to reports, people began launching bottles and fighting one another, and chants of 'f**k the police' could also be heard.

A number of people were injured amid the chaos, with a police officer breaking a hand and four people in total being taken away in ambulances.

Cops were forced to act as a 'full on riot' broke out, spreading down Lafayette and Bleecker Street, with 65 people arrested.

Of those taken into custody because of the riot, 30 were said to be minors.

One of those who saw the carnage unfold was Skylark Jones, who went down to try and meet the influencer.

The 19-year-old said that when they arrived, it was already packed out, with people throwing stuff.

Speaking after the event, Jones said: "It was a movie. [Police] came with riot shields, charging at people."

Regarding the event, NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey said that it got to the point that Cenat had to be removed from the scene.

Kai Cenat was arrested following the 'riot'.

Following the incident, the police confirmed that charges were being made against the Twitch streamer, who apparently failed to get a permit beforehand.

Among the charges facing Cenat are inciting a riot and unlawful assembly.

Maddrey said during the press event: “[The] NYPD became aware at about 1:30 p.m of a crowd forming in Union Square.

"It was quickly determined that an influencer was posting on social media about showing up to Union Square. He was encouraging all of his followers to come to the park.

“The crowd was swarmed when the influencer finally arrived at the park. Individuals in the park began to commit acts of violence towards the police and the public."

Featured Image Credit: Twitch/ABC 7

Topics: US News, Twitch, Crime, Police, New York