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PETA rips into Britney Spears for getting new puppy following Sam Asghari divorce

PETA rips into Britney Spears for getting new puppy following Sam Asghari divorce

They said the pop star has 'sentenced countless deserving dogs in shelters to more days without love'.

Britney Spears has a new member in her family following the revelation she and Sam Asghari are getting divorced.

The pop star got a puppy in the wake of the devastating news, which sounds like the perfect companion to battle loneliness.

“Introducing Snow,” she said on Instagram. “It’s her world and we just live in it.”

However, not everyone is happy with the new arrival to the Spears household.

Animal rights and welfare organization PETA has ripped into the 41-year-old for seemingly getting a dog to fix her mental health.

It's not been confirmed whether Spears bought or adopted the white pooch, however that hasn't stopped the group from criticizing her.

A representative for PETA told TMZ: "When influential people buy puppies, puppy mills cheer and animal shelters watch the homeless-animal crisis get even worse.

"With this one cutesy post, Britney Spears has sentenced countless deserving dogs in shelters to more days without love, a comfy bed to curl up on, or a chance at a real life."

They added: "She could have been a force for good and adopted, but instead she chose to be toxic, and animals will pay with their lives."

PETA might want to sit down because Britney also suggested she was on the verge of buying a different animal.

When rumors first started circulating earlier this month that Sam and Britney were breaking up, Spears posted on Instagram something completely unrelated.

"Buying a horse soon !!!" she wrote.

"So many options it’s kinda hard !!! A horse called Sophie and another called Roar ??? I can’t make up my mind!!!

"Should I join the camaraderie and put a pink cowboy hat on ??? Either way I think I found my sweet spot with Roar."

In the wake of their divorce news, Sam has recently been spotted with the couple's Doberman Porscha, which was the dog he bought Spears as protection a few years ago.

Britney eventually made a statement shortly after the divorce was confirmed and she said she was a 'little shocked'.

"I'm not here to explain why because its honestly nobody’s business !!! But, I couldn’t take the pain anymore honestly !!! In some sort of telepathic way I have been receiving so many messages that melt my heart from friends and I thank you !!! I’ve been playing it strong for way too long and my Instagram may seem perfect but it’s far from reality and I think we all know that !!!

"I would love to show my emotions and tears on how I really feel but some reason I’ve always had to hide my weaknesses !!! If I wasn’t my dad’s strong soldier, I would be sent away to places to get fixed by doctors."

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/Britney Spears

Topics: Britney Spears, Celebrity, Animals