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MrBeast called out after tipping waitress a brand new car

MrBeast called out after tipping waitress a brand new car

The YouTuber was called out by viewers earlier this year for the grand gesture.

Earlier this year, internet sensation MrBeast was called out by many after tipping a waitress a brand new car.

The YouTuber - real name Jimmy Donaldson - is known for surprising his fans and complete strangers with lavish items and gifts.

Heck, MrBeast even helped 'cure blindness' in a video he uploaded to his channel earlier this year.

It is certainly safe to say Donaldson doesn't do anything by halves.

And perhaps one of his biggest gifts to a fan came in March, as he offered an unheard-of tip to a waitress at a restaurant.

Rather than giving the standard 20 percent, MrBeast presented a waitress with a brand new car for all her efforts.

In a video posted to Instagram and TikTok, the YouTuber said: "Amy’s been getting to work without a car for months, thanks to you we changed that.”

In the clip, Donaldson asked waitress Amy: “What’s the biggest tip you’ve ever gotten?”

She replied sheepishly: “Like $50."

MrBeast surprised waitress Amy.

Casually handing her a set of keys to a brand new black Toyota Sedan, he then said: “Has anyone ever tipped a car?”

The pair went outside to check out Amy’s new ride, at which point she started tearing up.

“I wasn’t expecting you to cry!” Donaldson said.

Amy admitted she was in ‘shock’ about the unexpected generous gift, but admitted she didn’t actually know how to drive yet.

“I was literally late to work today because the Uber was slow,” she said.

“I’m in such shock right now. I don’t even know how to drive.”

The video was certainly met with a mixed response though, with some calling MrBeast out for making Amy a ‘driving advertisement’.

Amy's new whip.

Another said on X: “Love MrBeast but he gave her a car with an ad on it ahahahahahhaahahahshsh.”

A few days after the video was posted, MrBeast responded to all the backlash with an unseen clip from that day.

In the clip, Donaldson tells Amy: "Enjoy the car! You can get rid of the logo too."

But Amy replies: "It's kinda cool! It's kinda giving a little bit, isn't it?"

Delighted with this outcome, MrBeast claps his hands together and says: "All right! I agree."

The clip ends as Amy tells him: "I think I'm gonna keep it."

Still, MrBeast assured viewers in the caption: "We ended up taking the logo off anyways."

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@mrbeast

Topics: MrBeast, YouTube, Social Media, Celebrity