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People are saying MrBeast’s new challenge video makes him a real life Jigsaw

People are saying MrBeast’s new challenge video makes him a real life Jigsaw

Mr Beast has stunned people with his latest video which some are likening to a game out of the Saw franchise

Mr Beast’s latest challenge has people raising their eyebrows in concern.

Mr Beast is widely recognized as one of the most successful content creators, well, ever.

Mr Beast, real name James ‘Jimmy’ Donaldson, is often able to bring in millions of views with engaging challenges, games or experiments people can’t help but click on when browsing YouTube.

On top of that, he regularly gives out hundreds of thousands of dollars so it is easy to watch with curiosity and envy, wishing you suffered a fun challenge for a bit more green in your back pocket.

Mr Beast’s latest challenge is being dubbed a little more disturbing than usual.(MrBeast/YouTube)
Mr Beast’s latest challenge is being dubbed a little more disturbing than usual.(MrBeast/YouTube)

With that being said, his latest challenge is being dubbed a little more disturbing than usual.

Some have even likened the multi millionaire to the antagonist of the horror Saw films, Jigsaw.

For those who kind of shied away from the gruesomely fascinating films in their hey-day, Jigsaw would often kidnap individuals and test them with ‘games’ that would force them to make difficult physical and ethical choices.

In Mr Beast’s latest challenge, two strangers are picked to spend 100 days together in one ‘isolation chamber’, and if they succeed in staying in the room for the whole time they get $500,000.

Neither person is able to have access to the outside world, and if one of the pair decides to leave early, the other person gets nothing.

The room is fitted with all the essentials, a private bathroom, food, but is hardly what you would call home.

The room is fitted with all the essentials, a private bathroom, food, but is hardly somewhere you would call home.  (MrBeast/YouTube)
The room is fitted with all the essentials, a private bathroom, food, but is hardly somewhere you would call home. (MrBeast/YouTube)

When the pair finally meet inside the room, they even remark how odd it will be to know that the world is continuing on without them outside while they are isolated.

It seems Mr Beast is aware of this comparison and even played up to the Saw/Jigsaw comparisons in the video thumbnail, as it depicted an altered version of the first scene from the first film in the franchise.

“It’s insane that the world’s biggest YouTuber is basically Jigsaw,” one user wrote.

“To be fair watching saw would be interesting in a very morbid way if it was real,” added another.

"How long do you think it'll be before he Truman Show's somebody?," a third person wrote.

“If jigsaw were real he'd be a huge internet celebrity. Tiktoks and youtube videos galore,” another person cynically added.

“A very uncreative version of Jigsaw*. Bro hasn't even convinced someone to chop off a limb yet...,” joked another.

Do you think you could handle it for $500,000?

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/MrBeast

Topics: Film and TV, MrBeast, YouTube, Horror, Money, Weird