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Kevin Costner's ex-wife has been ordered to pay the actor's legal fees following child support battle

Kevin Costner's ex-wife has been ordered to pay the actor's legal fees following child support battle

Christine Baumgartner admits she will have to go back to work after losing the legal fight.

A judge has ordered Kevin Costner's ex-wife Christine Baumgartner to pay the actor's legal fees following their child support battle.

The Yellowstone star explained to the court in the final stages of the hearing that he didn't want an 'inflated' level of child support to mean that he was forced to work on projects he didn't want to do.

He said: "I want to help but the thought of having things inflated to the point I can't do what I want to do.

"Somehow in this unusual world, we didn't make it and for that, I'm sorry."

Costner also said the divorce has been really hard on him and 'there’s a few responsibilities I can’t run away from'.

Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner signed a Premarital Agreement.
P. Lehman/Future Publishing via Getty Images)

"Mostly what I have to do is figure out how to spend more time with the children and help walk them through this… spend a little time with myself," he said.

Baumgartner had previously been receiving $129,000 a month in child suppport, but wanted that increased to $161,000.


However, after two days of hearings, a judge slashed the amount to $63,000 per month.

Judge Thomas Anderle decided that her request was above what the couple's children would 'reasonably need'.

Baumgartner's team tried to argue her $40,000 a month property was 'not comparable' to Costner's $73m beachside home.

They said the children should spend time at the $150,000 a month beachside home she was hoping to rent once the lease was up.

Their claims included that, as Baumgartner's property does not have an ocean view, it represents a fall in the standard of living from the family home.

Christine Baumgartner filed for divorce in early May.
Getty Images/Albert L. Ortega

However, the judge didn't agree with the claims and decided to side with Costner.

As a result of her losing her child support battle, she will have to pay Costner's legal fees, which are a little more than $14,000, according to TMZ and Fox News.

The outlets reveal the amount is being demanded because Baumgartner 'refused in bad faith' to answer questions sent from Costner's legal team.

She's also been ordered to answer the questions asked of her by September 22.

After Costner won his child support fight, he explained to Fox News that he hardly sees it as a 'win'.

“You know, when you have a life that long with somebody, there is no winner... and it’s this big, crazy thing called life and how it unravels so quickly," he said.

“One minute you feel like you’re on top of the world, and then you realize how, you know, how vulnerable you are.”

Baumgartner admits she will likely have to go back to work as a result of the child support payments.

Featured Image Credit: David Livingston/Getty Images. Rich Polk/Variety/Penske Media via Getty Images

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