Golden Hawn claims she was once touched by an alien and descried it as the ‘finger of God’.
The Butterflies are Free actor made a bizarre claim while appearing on Apple Fitness+'s audio show Time to Walk.
She explained how she’s always wanted to encounter an alien and ultimately got her wish.
The 77-year-old described how she finally came face to face with some extraterrestrial activity in her 20s while living in California, which has a lot of ‘UFO sightings’.

She said: "I went outside my door, and I sat on the little ledge, and I looked up at the dark sky.
"And I saw all these stars. And all I could think of was … 'Are we the only planet in the whole wide universe that has life on it?'"
She added that she called out to any aliens who were out there, saying: “‘We're not alone, and I would like to meet you one day'.”
And apparently, this worked.
Hawn added that four months later, she began to experience a ‘high frequency’ noise in her ear.
She then described she saw creatures with ‘three triangular-shaped heads’ appear with a ‘tiny little nose’, 'no ears' and ‘a slash for a mouth.’

"The aliens were pointing at me … discussing me like I was a subject," she recalled.
Hawn then claims she was ‘unable to move’ while the aliens made contact.
“[They] touched me and it felt like the finger of God. It was the most benevolent, loving feeling. This was powerful. It was filled with light,” she said.
Hmmm...very peculiar.
Hawn’s daughter, Kate Hudson, has also claimed that the mother-daughter duo can feel the presence of spirits.
While appearing on the Chatty Man Show to promote her film Wish I Was Here, the actor said: “It is not really seeing, it is feeling a spirit. A fifth energy.
“I believe in energy. I believe our brains can manifest into visual things.”
She then disclosed to host Alan Carr how to eliminate an unwanted spirit in your space.
“When you see something, you are supposed to tell the energy what year it is and that they don’t belong there,” she explained.
If only this would work with exes. Am I right?
She even recalled one time when she saw a spirit with no face.
“That was really creepy,” she added.
Fair enough, Kate!