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Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott file to legally change their son's name after regretting their first choice

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott file to legally change their son's name after regretting their first choice

They have previously revealed they quickly signed the newborn's birth certificate knowing they wanted to change it.

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott have filed to legally change their son's name.

The couple welcomed their second child together back in February last year and later explained his name was Wolf Jacques Webster.

However, they revealed not too long after that they had a change of heart and were going to scrap that name because it didn't really suit him.

"Fyi our son's name isn't Wolf anymore," she wrote on Instagram. "We just really didn't feel like it was him. Just wanted to share because I keep seeing Wolf everywhere."

Months went by and the world pined for what Jenner and Scott were going to call their newborn.

Fans begged on Instagram for an update and they had to wait until November last year for confirmation.

The couple decided to go with Aire.

Many supporters praised Kylie and Travis on the cute sounding name, however others expressed concern that if it was said phonetically then people who speak Arabic would think you're talking about a 'penis'.

Instagram/Kylie Jenner

Yep, that really happened.

After finally announcing the new name for their baby boy, it appears the pair hadn't updated it on official records...until now.

TMZ reports they have submitted legal documents to get their son's name changed from Wolf to Aire.

According to the outlet, the couple said on their official submission that they 'regret the initial name choice of Wolf Jacques Webster'.

"Now that Petitioners have had the chance to spend time with their baby, they believe the name Aire Webster is a better fit," the document reportedly says.

Jenner previously admitted that she knew she would want to change her son's name the moment she signed his birth certificate, but had to put something down.

Instagram/Kylie Jenner

She told James Corden back in September: "We had to quickly sign the birth certificate, and then I knew the second I signed the birth certificate that I was probably gonna change his name.

"It just didn't suit him.

"We haven't legally changed his name yet. We're in the process, so it just wouldn't feel right to share anything when we don't have an official name."

At least now they have settled on Aire and he joins their first-born child Stormi, who was born in 2018.

The couple split up between the birth of their two children, however spent time together during lockdown for the sake of their daughter and rekindled their relationship.

Featured Image Credit: PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo. Instagram/Kylie Jenner

Topics: Kylie Jenner, Travis Scott, Celebrity