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Kanye West insists he’s not bipolar but probably ‘a little autistic like Rain Man’

Kanye West insists he’s not bipolar but probably ‘a little autistic like Rain Man’

While many have accused the rapper of suffering manic bipolar episodes in the past few months, Ye begs to differ.

Kanye West has denied being bipolar, insisting he’s actually probably autistic.

The disgraced rapper has made some outrageous comments over the past few months that has seen him lose loads of business deals and fans.

Ye was diagnosed with bipolar disorder back in 2016 and many people have feared he is in the middle of a manic episode. They believe this could be what's causing the 45-year-old to say things such as 'I like Adolf Hitler'.

But, West has rejected that theory and said he doesn't even have bipolar disorder.

While speaking to a paparazzo, Ye, who was sporting a black balaclava, said: “The truth is Jesus says love everyone, God says love everyone.

“For me, I believe that in no way I am not bipolar, I am not in some kind of episode, but I may be slightly autistic-like Rain Man, and that’s part of my superpower!"

He added: “That’s the reason why I can produce tracks and design and do so many things but what I can’t do. There’s two things that I can’t do: I can’t accept hate and I can’t hate.”

This isn't the first time Ye has said something conflicting about his mental state.

Back in 2018, his song 'Yikes' referenced him having bipolar, however he viewed it more as a superpower.

However, in that same year, CBS captured audio of Ye telling Donald Trump: "I wasn’t actually bipolar, I had sleep deprivation which can cause dementia 10 to 20 years from now when I wouldn’t even remember my son’s name."

Two years later, Kim Kardashian said her then-husband did have the disorder in an attempt to stop people commenting on his mental health.


She said: “As many of you know, Kanye has bi-polar disorder.

"Anyone who has this or has a loved one in their life who does, knows how incredibly complicated and painful it is to understand.

“I’ve never spoken publicly about how this has affected us at home because I am very protective of our children and Kanye’s right to privacy when it comes to his health.

"But today, I feel like I should comment on it because of the stigma and misconceptions about mental health.”

She added: “He is a brilliant but complicated person who on top of the pressures of being an artist and a black man, who experienced the painful loss of his mother, and has to deal with the pressure and isolation that is heightened by his bi-polar disorder.

“Those who are close with Kanye know his heart and understand his words do not align with his intentions.”

But, it appears that is now incorrect, according to Ye, who thinks he might have autism.

His reference to Rain Man is connected to the 1988 film starring Dennis Hoffman.

In the film, Hoffamn plays Raymond 'Ray' Babbitt, who is autistic and can 'instantly perform complex calculations and count hundreds of objects at once'.

Featured Image Credit: Hulu. Ron Sachs/CNP /MediaPunch/Alamy

Topics: News, Racism, Kanye West, Celebrity