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Jeffree Star calls out 'insecure' wives over 'NFL boyfriend'

Jeffree Star calls out 'insecure' wives over 'NFL boyfriend'

The YouTuber has been teasing the identity of his new boyfriend online

Jeffree Star claimed 'NFL wives' were coming after him and being 'insecure' after he hinted at a relationship with a player in the National Football League.

Star sparked gossip and speculation after he first teased his new romance last month, when he said he was heading to Wyoming to spend time with his 'NFL boo'.

A picture shared alongside the tweet showed him holding hands with a mystery man, sending his fans and followers into a frenzy as they sought to figure out who it could be.

Star has only hinted at the identity of his new partner.

Star still hasn't revealed his new 'boo', but he dropped some more clues about his identity on Monday (30 January) when he shared another snap showing the man facing away from the camera while Star grinned joyfully.

Alongside the post, the YouTuber wrote: "His team didn’t make it to the #SuperBowl but he’s 6’6 and plays perfect in the bedroom."

Obviously there are a lot of footballers who didn't make it to the Super Bowl this year, but Star's hints at least indicate he's not a member of the Philadelphia Eagles or the Kansas City Chiefs, who are set to face off in the annual game on 12 February.

That just leaves the hundreds of other players in the league, many of whom are married.

After Star dropped the news of his new boyfriend, he revealed a message he'd received from Saryn Anderson, who is married to Carolina Panther's defensive end Henry Anderson.

Saryn indicated that Star's posts had led people to speculate that his new boyfriend could actually be her husband, and begged the YouTuber to stop teasing his identity.

Saryn asked Star to stop teasing his new romance.

In a direct message sent to Star, she wrote: "I'm getting harassed bc my husband is in the NFL and people think it's him. Please stop."

It's horrible to speculate that someone's partner could be cheating on them, and Saryn in no way deserves the 'harassment' caused by Star's posts.

However, the YouTuber accused her of being 'insecure' as he assured his boyfriend is definitely not Anderson, writing: "OMG now the #NFL wives are coming after me!!! Girl… Don’t be so insecure. I don’t mess with married men."

It would be a very risky move to share images of the man if he was in a relationship with someone else, so it's safe to assume Star is telling the truth and Saryn can be left alone.

As for who the man really is, it looks like we'll have to wait and see whether Star decides to do a big reveal.

Featured Image Credit: Jeffrey Mayer / Alamy / Twitter/@JeffreeStar

Topics: Celebrity, Sex and Relationships, NFL, Sport