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Brad Pitt ripped into Quentin Tarantino's 'foot fetish' in award acceptance speech

Brad Pitt ripped into Quentin Tarantino's 'foot fetish' in award acceptance speech

Even Brad poked fun at it

It's no secret within the film industry that director Quentin Tarantino is rather fond of a foot shot or two.

From his biggest hits like Pulp Fiction to more recent works like Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, you're bound to see actors expose themselves from the ankles down.

In fact, it's so talked-about that even one of his film's stars, Brad Pitt, has poked fun at it.

Way back in 2020, when Brad won the Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in Quentin's film, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, he decided to go all in on the director's 'fetish'.

Listing out his thank-you's, as actors tend to do at these things, Brad was sure to shout out his co-stars in the film.

"I want to thank my co-stars; Leo, Margot Robbie, Margot Robbie's feet, Margaret Qually's feet, Dakota Fanning's feet...," he joked, getting a big laugh from the audience.

"Seriously, Quentin has separated more women from their shoes than the TSA," the actor jibed.

Quentin Tarantino is aware that you think he has a foot fetish. Critic.
Gage Skidmore/CC BY-SA 3.0

Quentin eventually got around the addressing the so-called fetish himself the following year, insisting that he doesn't take the criticism too seriously, and actually sees his feet scenes as a sign of 'good direction.'

Defending the directorial decision, he said: "There’s a lot of feet in a lot of good directors’ movies."

He continued: "Like, before me, the person foot fetishism was defined by was Luis Buñuel, another film director.

"And Hitchcock was accused of it and Sofia Coppola has been accused of it."

At the same time, though, fans have found it a little confusing that Tarantino can carve out time for a feet scene, but avoid sex scenes because he doesn't think they're 'necessary'.

"It's true, sex is not part of my vision of cinema," he told Diari Ara in an interview this year.

"And the truth is that, in real life, it's a pain to shoot sex scenes, everyone is very tense.

Margot Robbie's feet got a shout-out in Brad's acceptance speech.
Columbia Pictures

"If it was already a bit problematic to do it before, now it is even more so. If there had ever been a sex scene that was essential to the story, I would have, but so far it hasn't been necessary."

When fans caught wind of that, it was only a matter of time before they called him out.

Responding to the director's comments, one fan tweeted: "Does he think we’ve all forgotten how he’s obsessed with showing female character’s feet in his films or?"

Another joked: "Feet aren't essential to the story either, Quentin."

Unfortunate choice of words, Quentin.

Featured Image Credit: Variety

Topics: Brad Pitt, Celebrity, Quentin Tarantino, Margot Robbie, Entertainment