Ariana Grande has a message to all the body shamers out there: stop.
The singer has uploaded a rare video to TikTok where she addresses what people have been saying about her.
While some celebrities tend to let fans rabbit on about certain things and not get involved, the Sweetener star felt it was necessary to call them out in an effort to silence them once and for all.
She said in a piece to camera on her TikTok page: "I don't do this often. I don't like it, I'm not good at it.
"I just wanted to address your concerns about my body and talk a little bit about what it means to be a person with a body and to be seen and to be paid such close attention to.
"I think we should be gentler and less comfortable commenting on people's bodies, no matter what.
"If you think you're saying something good or well intentioned, whatever it is: healthy, unhealthy, big, small, this, that, sexy, not sexy...we just shouldn't.
"We should really work towards not doing that as much."
Grande said there are ways to compliment someone that doesn't end up being a criticism and everyone should think hard about that before they post on social media.
She also said you could just ignore something if you don't like it, rather than spend your time writing snarky comments online.
"There are many different kinds of beautiful. There are many different ways to look healthy and beautiful," she added.
But then she zeroed in on the reason behind the TikTok video.
“The body that you’ve been comparing my current body to was the unhealthiest version of my body," she said.
"I was on a lot of antidepressants, drinking on them, eating poorly, and at the lowest point of my life when I looked the way you consider ‘my healthy’.”
She urged people to remember that you never truly know what someone is going through.
While they might post happy snaps on social media, there could be something going on that you'd never be aware of and it could impact them deeply.
The singer finished her video by telling her fans that they should be happy in the skin they're in 'no matter what'.
"I just think you're beautiful and wanted to share some feelings," she said.
Topics: Ariana Grande, Celebrity