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Man shares ‘incredible’ UFO footage after spotting ‘strange flashing light’ in the sky

Man shares ‘incredible’ UFO footage after spotting ‘strange flashing light’ in the sky

People are flooding to social media in awe over a video of a 'UFO' flying over North Carolina

People are flooding to social media in awe over a video of a 'UFO' flying over North Carolina.

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Well, yeah, there is a plane in this video, but what the real focus is, which has got everyone worked up, is the sighting of 'a UFO exiting a portal'.

Footage taken in North Carolina by a 'technology enthusiast' shows a plane soaring across the sky, but it also picks up 'a strange flashing light' close by to it. Prepare to widen your eyes and try not blink and miss it:

The YouTube user and technology enthusiast - who goes by @spacebret on the platform - explains: "Yesterday while walking around outside looking for birds to film and photograph I noticed a strange flashing light in the sky near an airplane. It was moving slowly in the sky, a little slower than the planes flying around.

"I could see the random flashing coming from the object for about 10 seconds.

"I tried to film it with my camera. Using my GH5 and Leica 100-400mm lens I was able to grab a few frames of the object. I did not think I captured it at all because the focus would only hunt and not lock on.

"When I got inside and checked the footage I was blown away by what I saw. I have no idea what this object is. It is pill shaped with bullet headed ends. This is in rural North Carolina just outside of Greensboro."

A flashing light can be spotted in the sky.
Kennedy News and Media

And it certainly didn't take long for people to flood to comments to weigh in on what the mysterious flying object could be.

One YouTube user wrote: "That's incredible... I've seen something similar at night... could never make out the shape but there was a tether hanging from it... at one point I saw several smaller lights come flying back to the end of the tether at different times.. awesome video... thanks for going back and reviewing it so closely."

Another added: "Great job catching this. I live in southern California and my family and I have seen objects similar to this over the ocean."

Not everyone was convinced.
Reddit/ r/UFOs

The original video may've been posted in January 2019, but the sighting has continued to captivate people to this day, with UFO fanatics swiftly leaping to Reddit.

The video was re-shared by a user called LedZeppole10 who wrote: "Unique footage of a UFO (exiting a portal?) over North Carolina January 25th 2019."

One user wrote: "Beautiful. We can see it move out of our dimension. Exquisite sighting. Thank you to the person who captured."

However, another theorised: "It seems like a mylar balloon (foil balloon), with string/tether and the camera having trouble focusing on it. Not a portal or anything like that."

While a third argued: "This is a very well documented and explained sighting. Happy to have someone actually familiar with camera equipment and lenses. This doesn’t seem like a balloon at all to me."

And a fourth resolved: "Feel like I recently heard something describing a cylindrical ufo with geodesic spheres on either end... this certainly could match that description."

So, what do you think?

Featured Image Credit: Kennedy News and Media

Topics: Aliens, Reddit, Science, Space, UFO, US News, Viral, YouTube