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Scientists unsure what ‘unknown species’ is after finding ‘non-human’ DNA

Scientists unsure what ‘unknown species’ is after finding ‘non-human’ DNA

30 percent of their DNA is reportedly ‘non-human’

2023 has been one exciting year for extraterrestrial news, and today is no exception.

When mummified remains were found in Peru back in September, these little bodies appeared to be something completely 'alien'.

The two mummified corpses were being displayed in windowed boxes, after being retrieved from Cusco in Peru which is when the public were introduced to bizarre video footage of the little bodies.

According to controversial ufologist and journalist Jaime Maussan, 30 percent of their DNA is ‘non-human’.

Maussan had his team of scientists from the Autonomous National University of Mexico perform analysis on the remains to find out what its genetic material was made up on, but they were quick to discover that it wasn’t from ‘any known species’.

Many were left baffled by the 'corpses'.
Canal del Congreso México

However, it’s unclear as to what the rest of the 70 percent DNA matched with and none of the scientists have been able to give a clear answer as to what 'unknown species' means.

Maussan stood next to national researchers as he testified at the Mexican Congress regarding his team’s finds.

He claimed that the mummies were ‘authentic’ and featured a single skeleton inside and that the DNA analysis confirms they are ‘definitely not human’, though no clarity has been given as to what they actually are.

Obtaining a transcript of the hearing, the Daily Star reported that Maussan said: “This is the first time extraterrestrial life has been presented in this manner.

“We have a clear example of non-human specimens unrelated to any known specimens on our planet.

“These specimens do not belong to our terrestrial evolution.”

He added: “They were not creatures discovered by a UFO crash. Instead, they were found in diatom mines and later transformed into fossilized mummies.”

It has been confirmed the 'corpses' are 'not human'.
Daniel Cardenas/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Even though Maussan argues that ‘the public has the right to know about non-human technology and beings’, there are still a lot of sceptics who are unsure of the evidence provided.

Entrepreneur Nikos Drandakis took to social media to scoff at the remains. He also went on to talk about the uncanny resemblance between the mummies and Steven Spielberg’s ET, calling the find a ‘very hard pill to swallow’.

But there are those who are firm believers, such as 11 researchers that went on to sign a letter in support of the evidence after coming to the same conclusion that the mummies were real, but not exclusively alien.

Maussan was backed by a number of people.
Daniel Cardenas/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Roger Zuniga, an anthropologist of the San Luis Gonzaga National University testified last month that they were ‘real’.

He said: “There was absolutely no human intervention in the physical and biological formation of these beings.”

Zuniga is the person who presented the signed letter in support of the evidence about the Peru mummies.

Maussan has previously come under fire by the scientific community after making similar claims about bodies in Peru.

When the bodies were studied by the country’s prosecutor’s office, it found the bodies were actually 'recently manufactured dolls, which have been covered with a mixture of paper and synthetic glue to simulate the presence of skin'.

What do you think? Alien or prop?

Featured Image Credit: Daniel Cardenas/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Topics: Aliens, Space, UFO, Weird, Science