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There were people born in the 1800s who used the internet

There were people born in the 1800s who used the internet

While you'd think the internet is a young person's game, these women proved otherwise

It's not new information that young people dominate the internet space, with 98 percent of 15 - 24 year olds in 2022 in Europe admitting to using it.

Elsewhere, in 2023, a surprising 88 percent of those aged 65 and over in the US said they used the internet; showing that the older generation is more in touch with technology that you'd probably expect.

Despite the internet not being invented until 1983, there were a handful of people who were famous for using it - despite having been born in the 1800s.

Audrey Stubbart

One person is Audrey Stubbart, who worked as a proofreader and newspaper columnist for The Independence Examiner until the age of 105.

Way to show the rest of us up Audrey.

Audrey was born in 1895 and passed away in 2000. During her decades-long career, she's said to have used the internet to conduct research for her columns.

Ruth Hamilton

There was also Ruth Hamilton; a former American politician born in 1898.

Ruth almost joined the 110 Club, but passed at the age of 109 in 2008.

She was officially in office between 1964 and 1973 for the New Hampshire House of Representatives.

After retiring from office, Ruth perused a career in radio and later came a blogger on Growing Bolder, a senior-focused online forum.

Bernice Madigan had her own Twitter page.

Olive Riley

Fellow blogger, Olive Riley, was also born in the 1800s, but seemed to take to the internet like a duck to water.

Her blog was called 'The Life of Riley', which she was helped with because of her bad eyesight. Olive also had her own YouTube channel.

Eric Shackle and Michael Rubbo helped her with her internet endeavours.

Bernice Madigan

Another example of someone who proved that you shouldn't underestimate the elderly when it comes to social media was Bernice Madigan.

Born in 1899, Bernice had her own Twitter (now X) and Facebook pages. They are thought to have be ran by a family member, but still featured heavily about the late 115-year-old.

In one of her X posts, Bernice is seen enjoying an 'after dinner cigar'.

A snap of a Reddit thread was recently shared online about Ruth, Olive, Bernice and Audrey, and people were quick to share their amazement about them and their stories.

"This actually blows my mind that someone from the 1800s had a social media account, let alone used the internet," one person wrote.

"This is my Roman empire," said another. "I often think about people who witnessed firsthand the 100 years of progress of the 20th century. Probably the biggest jump in culture and technology in human history.

"Even my brief experience of that century in 90's and compared to society now is stark."

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images / Growing Bold/Ruth1898

Topics: News, Technology, Social Media