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Real-life references in GTA 6 trailer leave fans blown away

Real-life references in GTA 6 trailer leave fans blown away

The series has previously been known to make tongue-in-cheek references to real-world events and tropes

The new trailer for Grand Theft Auto VI is finally here, and one aspect of the hotly anticipated game already has fans excited.

Previous instalments in the Grand Theft Auto franchise have been known for their tongue-in-cheek references to real-world events.

And it seems that the upcoming sixth instalment in the franchise will be no different, to the delight of fans. Check out the long awaited trailer here:

Now, all fans will know that previous instalments of GTA have frequently lampooned aspects of pop culture.

For example, in GTA V fans spotted references to everything from Blade Runner to The Sopranos.

It might just be the trailer for now, but eagle-eyed fans are sure they've spotted one of the games' trademark references, among the many things to be excited about in the preview.




The segment sees a middle-aged woman in a neighbourhood speaking threateningly to the player, saying: "Well, look who's back".

But the bit which got fans talking was that she was carrying a hammer in each hand in a menacing way.

So-called 'Hammer Karen' made an appearance in the trailer.
Rockstar Games

This could be a reference to a viral video clip in which a woman can be seen confronting a man and attempting to intimidate him with a hammer in each hand - a clip that was shared both on the national news and social media at the time.

Videos about the original clip have since seen an influx of comments, with fans pointing out that the woman is now 'immortalised' in the upcoming game.

This isn't the only real-life reference either. The trailer has also looks to have given a glimpse of a reference to Miami's 'real-life joker' in a clip showing a man with a number of face tattoos.

A reference to Miami's own Joker.
Rockstar Games

Tattoo model Lawrence Sullivan, whose mugshot showcases a tattoo of the Joker's infamous 'Chelsea smile' scars, went viral after police arrested him for allegedly waving a loaded gun at drivers in Flroida.

The trailer features a character who looks very similar to Miami's 'real-life Joker'.
Police handout

Naturally, fans have been left extremely excited by the upcoming game, and took to social media to share their thoughts.

One wrote: "Just thinking of everything that has happened pop culture/society wise since GTA 5 was released, there's SO much they can parody I can't wait."

A second posted: "Oh there is a plethora of material for this game."

A third said: "I really hope they fill the game with craziness like this, just lots of random madness."

With the trailer now offering the first official glimpse of the game, it looks like the series will indeed be taking to Florida, with beaches, airboats, and gators all teased in the trailer.

According to the trailer, the new game is set for release in 2025, so there's sadly still a bit of a wait until the big day.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games / Instagram/@aveeless

Topics: News, US News, Gaming, Grand Theft Auto