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New Israeli Military Technology Lets Soldiers See Through Walls

New Israeli Military Technology Lets Soldiers See Through Walls

Camero-Tech's Xaver 1000 uses an advanced AI-based tracking algorithm

Artificial intelligence that allows users to detect objects – and even people – behind solid walls is being utilised by the Israeli military.

The Xaver 1000 is part of a 'see through walls' family of products that can provide real-time information, which could be a game changer in military application.

Developed by an Israeli imaging solutions company called Camero-Tech, it was revealed to the wider world for the first time at the Eurosatury 2022 exhibition in Paris earlier this week.

The Xaver 1000 in action.

As reported by Business Insider, the company claims that the Xaver 1000 can penetrate through most common building materials, and that it requires minimal training to use thanks to its simple user interface.

On its website, Camero-Tech describes the piece of hardware as an 'Essential system for Military, Law Enforcement, Search & Rescue teams and Intelligence units, operating in various situations including hostile urban and disaster environments'.

"The system creates an unprecedented situational awareness 3D visual picture, providing a clear operational advantage and the ability to 'step into the known'," it continues.

Such is the apparent sophistication of the technology, it can display images in a clear-enough resolution for the user to identify whether a person behind the wall is seated, standing or lying down.

Camero-Tech adds that even if an individual has been motionless for a prolonged period of time, the AI-assisted tech will still pick them up.

As per Shephard Media, the 10.1inch touchscreen display requires very little training to be operated.

At this present time, only the Israeli military will be able to make use of its proprietary technology, although interest in the device will surely have been piqued around the world.

“The XaverTM 1000 determines the most suitable approach to ensure successful life-saving missions in a variety of operational scenarios, such as hostage rescue situations,” says Amir Beeri, CEO and founder of Camero.

“[It] is a true game-changer for special forces and law enforcement teams conducting urban and rural operations that require reliable information regarding hidden live objects," he added.

On a vastly different scale, Russia recently announced the imminent launch of their new intercontinental ballistic missile, nicknamed 'Satan 2'.

The SARTMAT RS-22 is capable of carrying up to 10 nuclear warheads, with Russian President Vladimir Putin warning that it could be used in a real-world conflict before the end of 2022.

According to the 69-year-old, the deadly weapon is blessed with 'the highest tactical and technical characteristics and is capable of overcoming all modern means of anti-missile defence'.

Satan 2 is thought to have a staggering 11,000-mile range, allowing it to reach the UK and the US from within Russia's borders.

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Featured Image Credit: Camero-Tech

Topics: World News, Technology, Science, Israel