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Elon Musk is begging people for money to help him buy Twitter

Elon Musk is begging people for money to help him buy Twitter

He launched his first perfume - Burnt Hair - this week

Elon Musk has asked his followers to buy his perfume - Burnt Hair - so he can complete his purchase of Twitter.

The richest man on the planet launched a new fragrance through his Boring Company website earlier this week and even updated his Twitter bio to ‘Perfume Salesman’. 

For $100 you can nab yourself a bottle of Burnt Hair, which comes with the strap line The Essence of Repugnant Desire. 

If that hasn’t convinced you, a couple of quotes on the perfume’s page tease: “Just like leaning over a candle at the dinner table, but without all the hard work” and “Stand out in a crowd! Get noticed as you walk through the airport.”

I mean, who could resist, eh?

In a post on Twitter, the Tesla boss wrote: "With a name like mine, getting into the fragrance business was inevitable – why did I even fight it for so long!?”

In a follow up tweet, he claimed to have already sold a whopping 10,000 bottles, which will ship in the first quarter of 2023, according to the website. 

In another, presumably tongue-in-cheek, post he urged: “Please buy my perfume, so I can buy Twitter.” 

However, some followers failed to understand why Musk was ‘begging’ for help, with one asking: “Really @elonmusk you have to beg people, are you really serious?”

Another commented: “No way i just saw Elon musk begging for money on Twitter.”

While a third wrote: “How can you be the richest man alive and still beg for money?”

In case you missed it, earlier this month Musk confirmed he would go ahead with the purchase of Twitter for his original offer of $54.20 a share. 

The move was announced following months of back and forth between the social media platform and Musk, which was set to culminate in both partners appearing in court later this month. 

Musk first announced his intention to purchase Twitter back in April, vowing to to make the platform ‘better than ever’. 

However, he appeared to get cold-feet over the deal in the following months and officially backtracked in July, claiming that the site had more bots than he had originally been told. 

Elon Musk is still determined to buy Twitter.
Simon Serdar/Alamy Stock Photo

His attempts to break the deal did not go down well with Twitter, who filed a lawsuit against Musk the same month. 

Both parties were set to appear in court on October 17, but on October 4 his lawyers wrote a letter in which they said he would ‘proceed to closing’ the deal. 

The letter, seen by Sky News, read: "Musk Parties intend to proceed to closing of the transaction... and adjourn the trial and all other proceedings."

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Featured Image Credit: David Branson/Wachiwit/Alamy

Topics: Elon Musk, Weird