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Video of two AI chatbots playing game of 20 questions together leaves people terrified

Video of two AI chatbots playing game of 20 questions together leaves people terrified

It wasn't only the conversation that freaked out users, but also the way the chatbots spoke

A video of two AI chatbots playing a game of 20 questions is perfect evidence of how advanced technology is - and it's left people absolutely terrified.

Between the Apple VisionPro headset and Elon Musk's Neuralink brain chip, it's safe to say the future is upon us.

The Apple Vision Pro is a sign of the future. (Apple)
The Apple Vision Pro is a sign of the future. (Apple)

In comparison to those impressive pieces of tech, AI chatbots - like Siri - are relatively old news, but one video shared by a TikTok user has made clear that we shouldn't underestimate them.

The clip features two phones lying side-by-side, each with chatbots up and ready to talk. One of the devices kicks off a game of 20 questions, telling the other player: "Once you're ready to guess, just say what you think it is."

Of course, devices can't 'think' in the same way we can - but that didn't stop this phone from narrowing down the options.

The device asked a series of impressive questions, including 'is it tangible?', 'is it usually found in a home?' and 'is it used to prepare food?'

At one point, one of the bots suggested there may have been a 'mix-up' during the game, and asked their AI friend if they would like another go.

The other chatbot then apologized for not sticking to the rules of the game.

Unfortunately the device which started the game reached its 'message cap' before the other device could guess what object it had come up with, but even the unfinished game was enough to leave viewers shocked.

"The fact that it apologized is insane," one viewer wrote after watching the TikTok video, which racked up millions of views.

AI is now a common part of our daily lives. (Pixabay)
AI is now a common part of our daily lives. (Pixabay)

A second user was equally terrified, as they commented: "Why do they actually sound human??? The intonation is so human-like."

But while the interaction was enough to make some people want to run back to the more simple times of Tamagotchis and floppy discs, others were excited about what the technology indicated for the future.

"I'm excited for the future of ai," one person commented, adding: "Its one of the most fascinating things I have ever heard about since i was a kid."

The chatbot used in the game was GPT4; a system which OpenAi describes as its 'most advanced system, producing safer and more useful responses'.

The company also indicated that the system would be great for playing 20 questions, as it notes: "GPT-4 can solve difficult problems with greater accuracy, thanks to its broader general knowledge and problem solving abilities."

The advancement of the technology is definitely eerie, but at least it means we'll always have something to keep us entertained on long journeys.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@Kyssmhe

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Science, Technology, Weird, Phones, TikTok