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Donald Trump has ‘talked’ about bringing back the guillotine, firing squads and hanging for death penalty

Donald Trump has ‘talked’ about bringing back the guillotine, firing squads and hanging for death penalty

The former US President reportedly discussed having these executions be televised as well.

Donald Trump has been reportedly talking about expanding the methods of death penalty if he's re-elected.

According to several sources who spoke to Rolling Stone, the former US President wants to bring back banned options of execution, including firing squads.

Currently in the US, Capital Punishment is a legal penalty in 27 states for treason, espionage, murder, large-scale drug trafficking, or attempted murder of a witness, juror, or court officer in some instances.

The death penalty in these instances is lethal injection.

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However, only one US state - Utah - has executed by firing squad in the last century, as per The Marshall Project.

But Trump apparently wants to bring back the heinous method along with death by hanging and possibly even the guillotine for drug dealers in particular.

The outlet added: “Trump has floated these ideas while discussing planned campaign rhetoric and policy desires, as well as his disdain for President Biden’s approach to crime.”

One source also told Rolling Stone that Trump wanted to create a government-backed video-ad campaign that would include a revival of these execution methods.

“The [former] president believes this would help put the fear of God into violent criminals,” the source said.

“He wanted to do some of these [things] when he was in office, but for whatever reasons didn’t have the chance.”

A former Trump White House official disclosed that Trump would love for the country’s justice system to see an ‘eye for an eye’.

Meta has said it is unsuspending Donald Trump.
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It’s no surprise that the 76-year-old supports the expansion of Capital Punishment against drug offenders.

According to The Independent, he said at a rally in September last year: “It's an invasion of crime. And remember much of the crime that we talk about is caused by drugs.

"And I'm calling for the death penalty for drug dealers and human traffickers.”

UNILAD has approached Donald Trump for comment.

If that wasn't scary enough, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a potential 2024 presidential candidate, echoed the former leader's sentiment.

In October, while speaking to Florida sheriffs, he expressed his anger that the jury didn’t want to sentence Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz to death, as per MSNBC.

He proposed that eight jurors should be enough to vote on the death penalty.

“Many of us find it hard to understand how such brutal crimes could be met with anything but the most severe punishment allowed under our laws,” he said, as per Politico.

Featured Image Credit: Gino's Premium Images/Alamy Live News. piyamas dulmunsumphun / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Crime, Politics, Donald Trump, News