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Inside 400ft skyscraper with controversial $20 million 'sky mansion' built on top that owner might never live in

Inside 400ft skyscraper with controversial $20 million 'sky mansion' built on top that owner might never live in

A fascinating 400ft skyscraper with a lavish mansion on top has an owner who has reportedly never set foot in it

A stunning mansion sits on top of a massive skyscraper, however its actual owner is reportedly yet to even set foot in the building.

Most people, if they pay to have a massive complex structure erected, take the time to go live in it, or at the bare minimum go and visit the site.

However, the owner, businessman Vijay Mallya, doesn’t spend much time at his in Bengaluru, India. In fact, he has reportedly not even seen it since it was completed.

With lush gardens, an infinity pool, a helipad and a surrounding deck, Mallya's mansion would be right at home on a sprawling country estate.

It has the space and grandeur you'd expect of a billionaire's home - it just so happens to be about 400 feet in the sky. So, it is quite the flex if you think about it.

The mansion atop the building was supposedly inspired by the White House in Washington DC and it is easy to see the similarities between the two buildings.

Mallya hasn't returned to India since, with the Indian government reportedly attempting to extradite him to face charges of fraud and financial crimes after defaulting on debts of more than $1bn.

It is owner by businessman Vijay Mallya. (Instagram/@sriharikaranth)
It is owner by businessman Vijay Mallya. (Instagram/@sriharikaranth)

It emerged that he had been accused of defrauding a consortium of national banks, while diamond magnate Nirav Modi was accused of defrauding the state-owned Punjab National Bank. So, both fled the country.

Now, Mallya, who made his fortune with the popular Kingfisher brand of beer as well as Formula 1 and aviation, has taken refuge in the UK.

There he remains despite strenuous efforts by India to extradite him.

While you may be forgiven for thinking Mallya owns all the apartments in the skyscraper as well, the mansion covers 40,000 square feet, and shares nothing with the rest of the apartments in the building below.

The mansion has a value of approximately $20 million. (Instagram/@sriharikaranth)
The mansion has a value of approximately $20 million. (Instagram/@sriharikaranth)

Irfan Razack, the chairman of Prestige Estates Projects, which is part of a joint development agreement to construct the tower, said of the project: “It was a challenge to construct the mansion on a huge cantilever at that height, but we have ensured we build it exactly the way it was conceived. It’s a complex structure and the finishing work is going on.

"We will finish the project as per contract and hand it over."

The mansion has a value of approximately $20 million, but after spending so much money to make his extravagant home dreams come true, there's a chance Mallya might never actually get to live in it.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube

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