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Man who was pronounced dead came 'back to life' after his ambulance hit a pothole

Man who was pronounced dead came 'back to life' after his ambulance hit a pothole

A man who was legally dead got a second chance of life after a pothole appeared to jumpstart his heart.

A man was miraculously 'brought back to life' by a pothole of all things.

Potholes are usually seen as the harbingers of a community - so much so that even Dominos will take the necessary steps to cover them.

However, in this case, it was one man's saving grace.

Darshan Singh Brar, 80, from Haryana, India, had been in poor health for days and was eventually taken to a local hospital in Patiala in early January.

According to his grandson Balwan Singh, he was put on a ventilator for four days before doctors gave the heartbreaking news that his heart had stopped and his ventilator was turned off - declaring him legally dead.

Balwan said his brother informed the family at 9am and that he was being transported by ambulance to the city of Nissing for his funeral rites, NDTV reports.

According to Balwan, their relatives and family friends were all ready to grieve the loss of Brar - having already gathered food and wood for the cremation.

Darshan Singh Bra was being transported in an ambulance for his funeral rites.
Getty Stock Image

While en route to Nissing, the ambulance came into contact with a pothole and sitting in the back of the ambulance with his grandfather, Balwan's brother noticed that his hand had begun to move, leading him to check for a heartbeat.

Brar was then taken to the nearest hospital, where doctors confirmed the 80-year-old to be alive.

According to Wion, Brar is currently undergoing critical care in the ICU at a hospital in Karnal, as despite his stable blood pressure and pulse, doctors say he is suffering from chest infections and laborious breathing.

Dr Netrapal from Rawal Hospital said they 'couldn't say that the patient had died'.

On January 12, he told NDTV: "We don't know what happened at the other hospital, whether it was a technical error or something else."

However, Balwan called the miraculous turn of events 'a miracle'.

The ambulance came into contact with a pothole.
Vijay Bate/Hindustan Times via Getty Image

He said: "It is a miracle. Now we are hoping that my grandfather recovers soon. Everyone who had gathered to mourn his death congratulated us.

"It is God's grace that he is now breathing and we are hoping he will get better."

UNILAD has contacted Rawal Hospital for further comment.

It's often wondered that when you do die, what is waiting for you at the other side?

Well, one woman says she 'crossed over to another realm' when she was brought back to life after dying for one hour.

Cherie Aimée said she 'knew' she was dead, adding: "I knew I was somewhere else . I knew I had died instantaneously, when I flatlined I immediately crossed over into this other realm and I remember my body just floating in like this white space and I felt as light as a feather.

"I felt free.”

Featured Image Credit: Spencer Platt/Getty Images / Steve Pfost/Newsday RM via Getty Images

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