A Florida woman caught speeding told police that getting arrested was on her bucket list.
Last Thursday, 12 May, Janiya Shaimiracle Douglas was arrested on Card Sound Road, Florida.
While most drivers don't plan on getting arrested, according to the Monroe County Sheriff's Office, it was on the nineteen-year-old's bucket list.

Sharing the news on Facebook, the Sheriff's Office said: "Woman jailed after 'bucket list' arrest
A 19-year-old Homestead woman was arrested Thursday morning for fleeing from a deputy and then admitting that getting arrested was on her bucket list.
"Janiya Shaimiracle Douglas was charged with fleeing and eluding.
"Sgt. Robert Dosh observed a southbound Toyota sedan speeding and driving recklessly on Card Sound Road at approximately 7:47 a.m.
"Sgt. Dosh turned on his lights and siren, but the Toyota did not stop and continued southbound until finally stopping at the 3-way intersection at County Road 905.
"The suspect stated getting arrested was on her bucket list since high school.
Douglas was taken to jail."
Yep. Being arrested was apparently always on the agenda for Douglas.
Naturally, people were quick to weigh in on the weird bucket list explanation, with one writing: "I’m scared to know what else is on her bucket list."
While another said of the young driver: "Since high school…she just graduated a year ago. SMH."
A third also weighed in on the detained driver's age, saying: "Props for the honesty! Another reminder folks that the brain is not fully developed until age 25."
Still, others were completely baffled by the bucket list: "Difficult to understand why a young woman wants to be locked up and have a record and go before a judge and pay money to the court and insurance company."

Car insurance already costs enough, we're not sure getting points on your licence and a court date is worth it.
While one user shared the bleak reality of getting arrested: "She probably thought jail was like in the movies. I wonder if her bucket list included stripping down and having a cavity check for drugs or weapons, wearing baggy jail clothes with a questionable past and lawyer and court fees."
To be fair, if jail is like that then Orange Is The New Black is way more accurate than we realised.
Still, you won't catch us writing 'get arrested' on our bucket list anytime soon.
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