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12-year-old faces jail after mom turns him in for fatal carjacking attempt

12-year-old faces jail after mom turns him in for fatal carjacking attempt

The 12-year-old identified her son following a police appeal

A 12-year-old alleged carjacker has appeared in court after he was turned in by his own mother.

Police had been searching for the boy in the wake of a carjacking gone wrong, where his 13-year-old accomplice was shot dead by the person whose car they were trying to take.

Little did the two youths know that the person driving the car was an armed off-duty Federal Security Officer.

The 12-year-old had reportedly gone round to the driver's side of the car, opened the door and said something along the lines of: "Get out. You know what this is."

The two are said to have had their hands on the waistbands, implying that they had guns.

The officer proceeded to step out of the vehicle and fatally shot the other boy, who has since been identified as Vernard Toney Jr.

In a letter shared by his middle school, Vernard was described as 'a smart and talented student who created personal relationships not only with his schoolmates but also with many of the staff here at Kelly Miller'.

Vernard Toney Jr. has been identified as the 13-year-old who was killed.
NBC Washington

The letter continued: "He had a natural comedic ability and loved to make people laugh, especially when he would joke that he was the principal of Kelly Miller MS.

"Vernard also loved to play basketball and spend his free time on the court with his friends."

However, the other suspect remained unidentified until his mother recognised him in a photograph issued by police.

The woman then contacted police to confirm that who they were looking for was her 12-year-old son.

He has since been arrested and charged with armed carjacking and been to court.

In the courtroom, the youth lied about his age and said that he was 13, but a court official later informed the judge that he is a year younger.

According to Fox News, the young boy has struggled with anger issues from the age of five, and allegedly began smoking marijuana at 11 years old.

The young boy was turned by his mom who saw a police appeal.
Fox 5

Apparently his worried mom tried to get her son help for his issues, even taking him to a local hospital to work with him so he didn't turn to a life of crime.

While it was believed that the two boys were armed at the time of the carjacking, police haven't connected any weapons to the incident.

With this in mind, the judge said she didn't find substantial probability for the charge of armed carjacking, but did for carjacking.

The 12-year-old was ordered to remain in custody until his next court appearance on Monday (November 6).

Featured Image Credit: DC police/ Fox 5

Topics: News, US News, Washington, Crime, Police