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TikToker divides opinion after shop refused to give him ‘scooped gluten-free’ bagel

TikToker divides opinion after shop refused to give him ‘scooped gluten-free’ bagel

One TikToker has been ridiculed after detailing a story where he was refused a scooped bagel in New York City.

In New York, bagels are a serious business, as TikToker Taylor Offer quickly found out.

The fashion executive, Offer, has sparked a debate on social media after detailing a story where a member of staff refused his bagel order.

He shared the story in a video of himself on TikTok on Thursday in a clip that has been viewed more than 6.5 million times.

Speaking in the video, Offer remarked how a patron refused to make him a scooped gluten-free bagel.

Taylor Offer sparked a debate on social media after detailing a story where a member of staff refused his bagel order.

Now for those who don’t know, myself included until recently, scooping is when large portions of the bread, from inside the bagel are scooped out, leaving just the crust.

A somewhat niche trend by those hoping to fit more inside their bagels, reduce their gluten intake or choose it as a healthier alternative.

“There is nothing more stressful than ordering a bagel in New York City,” Offer said as he walked the streets recording his video.

“I just went to a bagel shop here, I'm from Los Angeles. In Los Angeles if you order a bagel, you walk in and say ‘can I get a scoop gluten free bagel’, the person behind the bar is like ‘of course, we have these different options today for gluten free, of course I can do that for you.

“In New York, I just walked in and asked for a scooped gluten free bagel, guy just looks at me and goes ‘I'm not scooping your f****** bagel bro’.

“It’s like dude, that is how I want it, it’s like get the f*** out of here with that, alright. On to the next one I guess.”

Many TikTok users had to google the ‘scooped bagel’, and after doing so, chose to ridicule Offer.

“Just googled what a scooped bagel was. The deli guy was correct,” one user remarked.

“I had to look it up as well. Just don’t order a bagel or eat half and save the rest for later,” another added.

Other users were quick to ridicule Offer for being from Los Angeles and joked that was the sign he was going to say something ‘ridiculous.’

Some users reinforced the idea that New Yorkers take their bagels seriously and wouldn’t dare ruin a perfectly crafted breakfast meal by scooping out the insides.

“Deli guy probably took it personal, all those years perfecting his bagel craft and asked to gut it,” one user joked.

“Why bother with a bagel at all if you want the insides scooped? Take that ish back to Cali,” another added.

One can only hope that Offer was able to get his scooped bagel before being run out of the city by furious New York bagel enthusiasts.

Featured Image Credit: tayloroffer/Tiktok

Topics: New York, News, US News, Food and Drink, Los Angeles, TikTok