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Rare ‘ring of fire’ solar eclipse astounds millions across America

Rare ‘ring of fire’ solar eclipse astounds millions across America

The rare 'ring of fire' solar eclipse was seen across the US, stunning many in its wake.

A rare 'ring of fire' solar eclipse has astounded many millions across the US as it makes its way across the Americas.

While solar eclipses may not come around too often, when they do, it often has a lot of us talking.

Science geeks discuss the inner workings of an eclipse, while the rest of the public truly takes a step back and admires what is on show.

All that took place on Saturday morning (14 October) across the country as star gazers were treated to a variety of spectacular views as the moon lined up between Earth and the sun, creating a rather bright spectacle.

In a 'ring of fire' solar eclipse, the moon doesn't completely cover the sun, unlike the rather spectacular total solar eclipse.

Despite that, many were left stunned by what they saw as they woke up for the weekend, with crowds cheering as the celestial show began.

Many woke up to this on Saturday morning.
Mark Rightmire/Digital First Media

It all started in Oregon with a five-minute display, before the likes of those in Albuquerque, New Mexico got to join in with the fun.

In that part of the country, the skies briefly darkened, before crescent-shaped shadows appeared in front of those on the ground.

The moon then moved into place, completing the full-ring, much to people's delight.

After beginning in Oregon, the eclipse took a path across the country, heading into Utah, New Mexico and Texas, before completing its tour in California, Arizona and Colorado.

From its coastal destinations it then headed to Central and South America, giving many millions the chance to see the 'ring of fire'.

Those in Albuquerque received a special treat on Saturday as the solar eclipse coincided with an annual international balloon fiesta that draws in thousands of spectators from across the world every year.

Just a couple hours after the balloons made lift-off, spectators were able to enjoy the eclipse.

Of course, it's strongly advised that you don't look directly at an eclipse without any protection.

The 'ring of fire' solar eclipse is rare.
Orange County Register via Getty Images

As a result, eighty thousand pairs of view glasses had been provided for those in Albuquerque, allowing those in attendance to view the solar eclipse in a safe manner.

As per Sky News, Balloon pilot, Allan Hahn, an long-running attendee at the festival was able to enjoy it in a brand new way this year.

She said: "It's very exciting to be here and have the convergence of our love of flying with something very natural like an eclipse."

As for the rest of the US, views very much depended on clear skies, unfortunately some had overcast conditions.

Featured Image Credit: Mark Rightmire/Digital First Media/Orange County Register via Getty Images

Topics: US News, Science