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Rapper Cam'ron calls out CNN for asking him about Diddy while drinking sex stimulant on air in 'bizarre' interview

Rapper Cam'ron calls out CNN for asking him about Diddy while drinking sex stimulant on air in 'bizarre' interview

CNN viewers have been left divided over whether Cam'ron's interview about Diddy ended up being a 'disaster' or 'golden'

Cam'ron's interview with CNN being asked about Diddy has gone viral online and not for the reasons you may think.

On Monday (20 May), rapper Cam'ron appeared on CNN's NewsNight and was interviewed by Abby Phillip, however, the interview took - surprisingly - the 'funniest' turn.

Sean 'Diddy' Combs recently hit headlines after 2016 CCTV footage of him assaulting then-girlfriend Cassie Ventura was released online and so CNN decided to question fellow rapper Cam'ron - despite the rapper noting in the interview Diddy is 'not necessarily a friend'.

When asked for his thoughts on the video, Cam'ron - full name Cameron Giles - said he's 'against' and doesn't 'support' any of the 'charges' Diddy currently faces and branded everything in the video 'egregious'.

The rapper added he was 'kind of upset with' the video when he first saw it, but while he 'knows' Diddy, he wouldn't exactly call him a friend.

After being asked by Phillip whether he recognised Diddy in the video, the rapper questioned why he was being asked about his 'experiences' when he literally just looked at the video, saw it was Diddy and deemed it 'disgusting,' later adding it's ultimately not up to him for him to decide about Diddy's apology video, but Cassie.

And that's when the interview took a turn.

Cam'ron flashed a look of his drink's label (CNN)
Cam'ron flashed a look of his drink's label (CNN)

After CNN played a podcast recording featuring Cam'ron, the rapper could be spotted taking a shot of a drink and seemingly holding it up to the camera, before taking another sip and saying: "Sorry, I'm going to go get some cheeks after this Horse Power drink."

The drink in question is a libido supplement called 'Pink Horse Power', which as per its website is 'designed to empower man's sexual intimacy by helping to improve stamina and libido' - so if you didn't originally get what 'cheeks' meant when spoken by Cam'ron, you should have a clearer idea now.

Cam'ron then answered the question noting he doesn't 'know Puff like Mace does', not without a quick shoutout of his podcast too.

Phillip then asked about the industry 'in general' and whether Diddy was being protected and that's when Cam'ron questioned 'who the talent agent is' for CNN, asking why he'd be 'sitting around watching what Diddy doing all the time'.

And it's not taken long for viewers to flock to social media to weigh in.

Cam'ron questioned why he was being brought on CNN to answer the questions (CNN)
Cam'ron questioned why he was being brought on CNN to answer the questions (CNN)

A FOX News article about the clip was shared to Reddit thread r/entertainment by u/AccurateInflation167.

One user wrote: "This is by far the funniest thing I’ve read all month. This is great. Shout out Cam’ron."

"The most bizarre thing about this headline is that they don’t even name the rapper," said another.

A third said: "If a news outlet want an interview to go viral, call Camron."

And the conversation has spilled over onto X too.

One X user said: "So Cam'ron went on CNN tonight and it was an absolute disaster."

However, another replied: "This is not a disaster. This is golden."

UNILAD has contacted CNN for comment.

Featured Image Credit: CNN

Topics: Celebrity, Diddy, Music, Rap, Sex and Relationships, US News, Viral