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Massive explosion destroys house just as police were trying to serve search warrant

Massive explosion destroys house just as police were trying to serve search warrant

Everything seemed fine until the building was rocked by an enormous explosion

Officers approaching a house to carry out a search warrant were met with an incredible shock when the house they were about to search exploded.

Police in Arlington County, Virginia had said that someone had been firing a flare gun from inside the home before the enormous blast at around 8.25pm Monday evening.

The explosion was large enough to completely destroy the house, with large parts of the structure being consumed by the fireball. Take a look:

What little of the house that was left was reduced to rubble and engulfed in fire, which was brought under control by around 10.40pm according to the fire department.

They added that there were still some spot fires which were being addressed.

A police report from the incident described how the person inside the property had 'discharged several rounds' just after 8pm.

The person in question had been firing a flare gun out into the surrounding street prior to the explosion, but police have said they believe the shots fire immediately before the explosion were from a firearm.

Police officers reported receiving minor injuries in the incident, though nobody was taken to hospital.

Police in Arlington County, Virginia had said that someone had been firing a flare gun from inside the home.

Authorities have also said that the fate of the person inside the building is not entirely clear, police have not been able to confirm any deaths.

The identity of the person involved in the investigation and the cause of the search warrant have not been made public.

Spokesperson for Arlington County police Ashley Savage said: "The house subsequently exploded. At this point, we're only aware of one individual who was inside the home."

Representative Don Beyer has since commented on the incident, stating: "Monitoring the emergency response to a major explosion in the Bluemont neighborhood of Arlington tonight.

"This is very, very scary, and my profound thanks go out to first responders working to secure the area and keep everyone safe."

An investigation is now underway which is involving the FBI, according to a spokesperson from the field office.

The Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has also said that it has officers ready to assist with the investigation.

The explosion completely destroyed the house.

Neighbors have described the terrifying explosion which rocked the neighborhood as they went about their business.

Bob Maynes told the Associated Press he thought a tree had fallen on his house.

He said: “I was sitting in my living room watching television and the whole house shook. It wasn’t an earthquake kind of tremor, but the whole house shook.”

Meanwhile Carla Rodriguez rushed to the scene after hearing the blast from two miles away, with her recalling: “I actually thought a plane exploded."

Investigations are ongoing.

Featured Image Credit: Alex Wilson

Topics: News, US News, Police