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Killer Joran van der Sloot finally set to reveal details of Natalee Holloway's death

Killer Joran van der Sloot finally set to reveal details of Natalee Holloway's death

Joran van der Sloot is reportedly set to take a plea deal.

Convicted murderer Joran van der Sloot is reportedly set to share details surrounding Natalee Holloway's death.

The Dutch 36-year-old is currently serving a 28-year sentence in a Peruvian prison after he killed Stephany Flores Ramírez in the country in 2010.

Ramírez was found in a hotel room in Lima that was registered under van der Sloot's name.

He then went on to confess to her murder in 2012 and has been behind bars ever since.

While van der Sloot has long been behind bars, before he killed Ramírez, he'd previously been linked to the disappearance of Natalee Holloway in 2005.

Holloway was just 18-years-old at the time of her disappearance.

She'd went on a high school graduation trip to Aruba when she met van der Sloot in a bar - with him being one of the last people to have seen her alive.

Joran van der Sloot was extradited to the US in recent months.

The following month, van der Sloot and brothers, Satish and Depak Kalpoe, were initial suspects in regards to her disappearance, but all three went on to be released due to insufficient evidence.

All three were arrested in 2007 in relation to the case, later being released due to lack of evidence, and have not been charged with Holloway's death.

She was then legally declared dead in 2012.

Their attorneys maintained their innocence throughout the investigation.

In 2010, van der Sloot was indicted by a grand jury in Alabama for allegedly trying to export money from Holloway's mum, Beth Holloway, by saying that he'd reveal where her daughter's body is located in exchange for $250,000.

FBI Agent William K. Bryan wrote in a sworn statement at the time that van der Sloot had said that Holloway was buried in the gravel under a house's foundation before later saying this was false.

van der Sloot was then charged with wire fraud and extortion.

He was then extradited from Peru to the United States back in June and is currently being held at the Hoover City Jail in Alabama - and is also reportedly expected to take a plea deal.

Joran van der Sloot has long been associated with the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.
Facebook/Natalee Ann Holloway

The plea deal is conditioned on him releasing details on how Natalee Holloway died and what happened to her body, Beth Holloway's lawyer John Q. Kelly says.

Peru is said to have agreed to extradite van der Sloot to the US to face his federal charges on the condition that he'll be sent back to the country to finish his sentence once the trial has ended, a resolution posted by Peru's federal register reads.

If he's convicted, he will return to Peru to complete his 28-year sentence and then come back to US to begin whatever sentence he may receive regarding his extortion and wire fraud indictments.

UNILAD has reached out to van der Sloot's attorney for comment.

Featured Image Credit: Kypros/Getty Images / ERNESTO BENAVIDES/AFP/GettyImages

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