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Woman reunites with family after being kidnapped 52 years ago in emotional footage

Woman reunites with family after being kidnapped 52 years ago in emotional footage

Aura Guerrero was snatched in Bogotá in 1972, and was only reunited with her family decades later

A moving video shows the moment a woman was reunited with her family after being separated for 52 years.

Aura Guerrero, from Colombia, was only four-years-old when she was abducted in Bogotá in 1972.

Aura had gone out to buy a cookie from the corner store when she was snatched off the street.

She would ultimately grow up away from her family, and only managed to reconnect with her brother after the pair found each other on Facebook.

Even after all these years, Aura said that she never forgot the face of the woman who abducted her.

She said that she was 'tall, dark, with long hair and thin', and said that she had taken her from her family because her father had rejected her love interest.

Recounting the day that she was snatched and her life changed forever, she said: "I went out to buy a cookie and went to the corner which was a neighbourhood store.

Aura Guerrero was kidnapped when she was a child. (Jam Press)
Aura Guerrero was kidnapped when she was a child. (Jam Press)

"When I returned the bus was parked. An old man was passing by, he scared me. I hid behind the bus while the old man passed by and the woman who kidnapped me arrived."

After she was kidnapped, she recalled walking for some time with the strange woman until the two of them arrived at a bus stop.

From there they caught a bus to Villarica, a city located some 111 miles away from Bogotá.

There she was raised by a strange family, who called her Gina.

When she was just five or six-years-old she began making money by delivering lunches, which paid for her school books.

By the time she was 12, she was living by herself independently and paying rent.

Aura's brother Fidencio didn't see his sister for more than 50 years. (Jam Press)
Aura's brother Fidencio didn't see his sister for more than 50 years. (Jam Press)

Her brother Fidencio recalled their tireless search for her.

He said: "Where they were told that there was a missing girl, we were there. I would study in a place, a city, and they placed me for a month and took me out because the girl really appeared somewhere else.

"That was the life of ours about six or seven years. My mother never stopped looking for her"

But finally, after decades apart from each other, the family was reunited.

Aura said: "It is something wonderful that only God can do,' she said. 'He put the people, the moments, he put everything to be able to find my family."

Fidencio added: "This year is going to be more special because she is here and because we are complete."

Featured Image Credit: Jam Press

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